© Copyright 2025 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.
Long Descr | Anesthesia for cesarean hysterectomy following neuraxial labor analgesia/anesthesia (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure performed) |
Status Code | Anesthesia Service |
Global Days | XXX - Global Concept Does Not Apply |
PC/TC Indicator (26, TC) | 9 - Not Applicable |
Multiple Procedures (51) | 9 - Concept does not apply. |
Bilateral Surgery (50) | 9 - Concept does not apply. |
Physician Supervisions | 09 - Concept does not apply. |
Assistant Surgeon (80, 82) | 9 - Concept does not apply. |
Co-Surgeons (62) | 9 - Concept does not apply. |
Team Surgery (66) | 9 - Concept does not apply. |
Diagnostic Imaging Family | 99 - Concept Does Not Apply |
APC Status Indicator | Items and Services Packaged into APC Rates |
Type of Service (TOS) | 7 - Anesthesia |
Berenson-Eggers TOS (BETOS) | P0 - Anesthesia |
MUE | Not applicable/unspecified. |
CCS Clinical Classification | 232 - Anesthesia |
This is an add-on code that must be used in conjunction with one of these primary codes.
01967 | Female Edit MPFS Status: Anesthesia Service APC N Physician Quality Reporting CPT Assistant Article Neuraxial labor analgesia/anesthesia for planned vaginal delivery (this includes any repeat subarachnoid needle placement and drug injection and/or any necessary replacement of an epidural catheter during labor) |
0887T | New Code for 2024 Add On Code MPFS Status: Carrier Priced APC N ASC N1 End-tidal control of inhaled anesthetic agents and oxygen to assist anesthesia care delivery (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure) |
2024-01-01 | Changed | Short Description changed. |
2003-01-01 | Changed | Code description changed. |
2002-01-01 | Added | First appearance in code book in 2002. |
D39.2 | Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of placenta |
N96 | Recurrent pregnancy loss |
O00.0 | Abdominal pregnancy [] |
O00.00 | Abdominal pregnancy without intrauterine pregnancy |
O00.01 | Abdominal pregnancy with intrauterine pregnancy |
O00.1 | Tubal pregnancy [] |
O00.10 | Tubal pregnancy without intrauterine pregnancy [] |
O00.101 | Right tubal pregnancy without intrauterine pregnancy |
O00.102 | Left tubal pregnancy without intrauterine pregnancy |
O00.109 | Unspecified tubal pregnancy without intrauterine pregnancy |
O00.11 | Tubal pregnancy with intrauterine pregnancy [] |
O00.111 | Right tubal pregnancy with intrauterine pregnancy |
O00.112 | Left tubal pregnancy with intrauterine pregnancy |
O00.119 | Unspecified tubal pregnancy with intrauterine pregnancy |
O00.2 | Ovarian pregnancy [] |
O00.20 | Ovarian pregnancy without intrauterine pregnancy [] |
O00.201 | Right ovarian pregnancy without intrauterine pregnancy |
O00.202 | Left ovarian pregnancy without intrauterine pregnancy |
O00.209 | Unspecified ovarian pregnancy without intrauterine pregnancy |
O00.21 | Ovarian pregnancy with intrauterine pregnancy [] |
O00.211 | Right ovarian pregnancy with intrauterine pregnancy |
O00.212 | Left ovarian pregnancy with intrauterine pregnancy |
O00.219 | Unspecified ovarian pregnancy with intrauterine pregnancy |
O00.8 | Other ectopic pregnancy [] |
O00.80 | Other ectopic pregnancy without intrauterine pregnancy |
O00.81 | Other ectopic pregnancy with intrauterine pregnancy |
O00.9 | Ectopic pregnancy, unspecified [] |
O00.90 | Unspecified ectopic pregnancy without intrauterine pregnancy |
O00.91 | Unspecified ectopic pregnancy with intrauterine pregnancy |
O30.009 | Twin pregnancy, unspecified number of placenta and unspecified number of amniotic sacs, unspecified trimester |
O30.209 | Quadruplet pregnancy, unspecified number of placenta and unspecified number of amniotic sacs, unspecified trimester |
O30.809 | Other specified multiple gestation, unspecified number of placenta and unspecified number of amniotic sacs, unspecified trimester |
O30.899 | Other specified multiple gestation, unable to determine number of placenta and number of amniotic sacs, unspecified trimester |
O9A.111 | Malignant neoplasm complicating pregnancy, first trimester |
O9A.112 | Malignant neoplasm complicating pregnancy, second trimester |
O9A.113 | Malignant neoplasm complicating pregnancy, third trimester |
O9A.119 | Malignant neoplasm complicating pregnancy, unspecified trimester |
O9A.12 | Malignant neoplasm complicating childbirth |
O9A.13 | Malignant neoplasm complicating the puerperium |
O9A.211 | Injury, poisoning and certain other consequences of external causes complicating pregnancy, first trimester |
O9A.212 | Injury, poisoning and certain other consequences of external causes complicating pregnancy, second trimester |
O9A.213 | Injury, poisoning and certain other consequences of external causes complicating pregnancy, third trimester |
O9A.219 | Injury, poisoning and certain other consequences of external causes complicating pregnancy, unspecified trimester |
O9A.22 | Injury, poisoning and certain other consequences of external causes complicating childbirth |
O9A.23 | Injury, poisoning and certain other consequences of external causes complicating the puerperium |
O9A.311 | Physical abuse complicating pregnancy, first trimester |
O9A.312 | Physical abuse complicating pregnancy, second trimester |
O9A.313 | Physical abuse complicating pregnancy, third trimester |
O9A.319 | Physical abuse complicating pregnancy, unspecified trimester |
O9A.32 | Physical abuse complicating childbirth |
O9A.33 | Physical abuse complicating the puerperium |
O9A.411 | Sexual abuse complicating pregnancy, first trimester |
O9A.412 | Sexual abuse complicating pregnancy, second trimester |
O9A.413 | Sexual abuse complicating pregnancy, third trimester |
O9A.419 | Sexual abuse complicating pregnancy, unspecified trimester |
O9A.42 | Sexual abuse complicating childbirth |
O9A.43 | Sexual abuse complicating the puerperium |
O9A.511 | Psychological abuse complicating pregnancy, first trimester |
O9A.512 | Psychological abuse complicating pregnancy, second trimester |
O9A.513 | Psychological abuse complicating pregnancy, third trimester |
O9A.519 | Psychological abuse complicating pregnancy, unspecified trimester |
O9A.52 | Psychological abuse complicating childbirth |
O9A.53 | Psychological abuse complicating the puerperium |
P00.0 | Newborn affected by maternal hypertensive disorders |
P00.1 | Newborn affected by maternal renal and urinary tract diseases |
P00.2 | Newborn affected by maternal infectious and parasitic diseases |
P00.3 | Newborn affected by other maternal circulatory and respiratory diseases |
P00.4 | Newborn affected by maternal nutritional disorders |
P00.5 | Newborn affected by maternal injury |
P00.6 | Newborn affected by surgical procedure on mother |
P00.7 | Newborn affected by other medical procedures on mother, not elsewhere classified |
P00.81 | Newborn affected by periodontal disease in mother |
P00.82 | Newborn affected by (positive) maternal group B streptococcus (GBS) colonization |
P00.89 | Newborn affected by other maternal conditions |
P00.9 | Newborn affected by unspecified maternal condition |
P96.0 | Congenital renal failure |
P96.1 | Neonatal withdrawal symptoms from maternal use of drugs of addiction |
P96.2 | Withdrawal symptoms from therapeutic use of drugs in newborn |
P96.3 | Wide cranial sutures of newborn |
P96.5 | Complication to newborn due to (fetal) intrauterine procedure |
P96.81 | Exposure to (parental) (environmental) tobacco smoke in the perinatal period |
P96.82 | Delayed separation of umbilical cord |
P96.83 | Meconium staining |
P96.89 | Other specified conditions originating in the perinatal period |
P96.9 | Condition originating in the perinatal period, unspecified |
Z03.71 | Encounter for suspected problem with amniotic cavity and membrane ruled out |
Z03.72 | Encounter for suspected placental problem ruled out |
Z03.73 | Encounter for suspected fetal anomaly ruled out |
Z03.74 | Encounter for suspected problem with fetal growth ruled out |
Z03.75 | Encounter for suspected cervical shortening ruled out |
Z03.79 | Encounter for other suspected maternal and fetal conditions ruled out |
Z32.00 | Encounter for pregnancy test, result unknown |
Z32.01 | Encounter for pregnancy test, result positive |
Z32.02 | Encounter for pregnancy test, result negative |
Z33.1 | Pregnant state, incidental |
Z34.00 | Encounter for supervision of normal first pregnancy, unspecified trimester |
Z34.80 | Encounter for supervision of other normal pregnancy, unspecified trimester |
Z34.90 | Encounter for supervision of normal pregnancy, unspecified, unspecified trimester |
Z36 | Encounter for antenatal screening of mother [] |
Z36.0 | Encounter for antenatal screening for chromosomal anomalies |
Z36.1 | Encounter for antenatal screening for raised alphafetoprotein level |
Z36.2 | Encounter for other antenatal screening follow-up |
Z36.3 | Encounter for antenatal screening for malformations |
Z36.4 | Encounter for antenatal screening for fetal growth retardation |
Z36.5 | Encounter for antenatal screening for isoimmunization |
Z36.81 | Encounter for antenatal screening for hydrops fetalis |
Z36.82 | Encounter for antenatal screening for nuchal translucency |
Z36.83 | Encounter for fetal screening for congenital cardiac abnormalities |
Z36.84 | Encounter for antenatal screening for fetal lung maturity |
Z36.85 | Encounter for antenatal screening for Streptococcus B |
Z36.86 | Encounter for antenatal screening for cervical length |
Z36.87 | Encounter for antenatal screening for uncertain dates |
Z36.88 | Encounter for antenatal screening for fetal macrosomia |
Z36.89 | Encounter for other specified antenatal screening |
Z36.8A | Encounter for antenatal screening for other genetic defects |
Z36.9 | Encounter for antenatal screening, unspecified |
Z37.0 | Single live birth |
Z37.1 | Single stillbirth |
Z37.2 | Twins, both liveborn |
Z37.3 | Twins, one liveborn and one stillborn |
Z37.4 | Twins, both stillborn |
Z37.50 | Multiple births, unspecified, all liveborn |
Z37.51 | Triplets, all liveborn |
Z37.52 | Quadruplets, all liveborn |
Z37.53 | Quintuplets, all liveborn |
Z37.54 | Sextuplets, all liveborn |
Z37.59 | Other multiple births, all liveborn |
Z37.60 | Multiple births, unspecified, some liveborn |
Z37.61 | Triplets, some liveborn |
Z37.62 | Quadruplets, some liveborn |
Z37.63 | Quintuplets, some liveborn |
Z37.64 | Sextuplets, some liveborn |
Z37.69 | Other multiple births, some liveborn |
Z37.7 | Other multiple births, all stillborn |
Z37.9 | Outcome of delivery, unspecified |
Z38.00 | Single liveborn infant, delivered vaginally |
Z38.01 | Single liveborn infant, delivered by cesarean |
Z38.1 | Single liveborn infant, born outside hospital |
Z38.2 | Single liveborn infant, unspecified as to place of birth |
Z38.30 | Twin liveborn infant, delivered vaginally |
Z38.31 | Twin liveborn infant, delivered by cesarean |
Z38.4 | Twin liveborn infant, born outside hospital |
Z38.5 | Twin liveborn infant, unspecified as to place of birth |
Z38.61 | Triplet liveborn infant, delivered vaginally |
Z38.62 | Triplet liveborn infant, delivered by cesarean |
Z38.63 | Quadruplet liveborn infant, delivered vaginally |
Z38.64 | Quadruplet liveborn infant, delivered by cesarean |
Z38.65 | Quintuplet liveborn infant, delivered vaginally |
Z38.66 | Quintuplet liveborn infant, delivered by cesarean |
Z38.68 | Other multiple liveborn infant, delivered vaginally |
Z38.69 | Other multiple liveborn infant, delivered by cesarean |
Z38.7 | Other multiple liveborn infant, born outside hospital |
Z38.8 | Other multiple liveborn infant, unspecified as to place of birth |
Z39.0 | Encounter for care and examination of mother immediately after delivery |
Z39.1 | Encounter for care and examination of lactating mother |
Z39.2 | Encounter for routine postpartum follow-up |
Z64.0 | Problems related to unwanted pregnancy |
No matching codes found |
G0431 | Drug screen, qualitative; multiple drug classes by high complexity test method (e.g., immunoassay, enzyme assay), per patient encounter [deleted] |
G0434 | Drug screen, other than chromatographic; any number of drug classes, by clia waived test or moderate complexity test, per patient encounter [deleted] |
G0477 | Drug test(s), presumptive, any number of drug classes; any number of devices or procedures, (e.g., immunoassay) capable of being read by direct optical observation only (e.g., dipsticks, cups, cards, cartridges), includes sample validation when performed, per date of service [deleted] |
G0478 | Drug test(s), presumptive, any number of drug classes; any number of devices or procedures, (e.g., immunoassay) read by instrument-assisted direct optical observation (e.g., dipsticks, cups, cards, cartridges), includes sample validation when performed, per date of service [deleted] |
G0479 | Drug test(s), presumptive, any number of drug classes; any number of devices or procedures by instrumented chemistry analyzers utilizing immunoassay, enzyme assay, tof, maldi, ldtd, desi, dart, ghpc, gc mass spectrometry), includes sample validation when performed, per date of service [deleted] |
H1001 | Prenatal care, at-risk enhanced service; antepartum management |
S3625 | Maternal serum triple marker screen including alpha-fetoprotein (afp), estriol, and human chorionic gonadotropin (hcg) [deleted] |
S3626 | Maternal serum quadruple marker screen including alpha-fetoprotein (afp), estriol, human chorionic gonadotropin (hcg) and inhibin a [deleted] |
S9212 | Home management of postpartum hypertension, includes administrative services, professional pharmacy services, care coordination, and all necessary supplies and equipment (drugs and nursing visits coded separately), per diem (do not use this code with any home infusion per diem code) |
S9438 | Cesarean birth classes, non-physician provider, per session |
S9439 | Vbac (vaginal birth after cesarean) classes, non-physician provider, per session |
S9442 | Birthing classes, non-physician provider, per session |
No matching codes found |