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Official Description

Induced abortion, by 1 or more vaginal suppositories (eg, prostaglandin) with or without cervical dilation (eg, laminaria), including hospital admission and visits, delivery of fetus and secundines; with dilation and curettage and/or evacuation

© Copyright 2025 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

Common Language Description

The CPT® Code 59856 refers to a medical procedure known as an induced abortion, which is performed using one or more vaginal suppositories, such as prostaglandins. This procedure may or may not involve cervical dilation, which can be facilitated by devices like laminaria. The process encompasses several critical components, including the admission of the patient to a hospital, multiple physician visits, and the delivery of both the fetus and the associated tissues, known as secundines. Following the delivery, the procedure may also include dilation and curettage (D&C) or evacuation to ensure that any remaining fetal tissue is removed from the uterus. The use of vaginal suppositories is a method to induce contractions and facilitate the termination of the pregnancy, while cervical dilation aids in the process by allowing easier access for the drug administration and subsequent delivery. This comprehensive approach ensures that the procedure is conducted safely and effectively, addressing both the medical and procedural needs of the patient.

© Copyright 2025 Coding Ahead. All rights reserved.

1. Indications

The procedure described by CPT® Code 59856 is indicated for the termination of pregnancy under specific circumstances. The following conditions may warrant the use of this procedure:

  • Unintended Pregnancy The procedure is performed when a patient wishes to terminate an unintended pregnancy.
  • Medical Indications It may be indicated in cases where there are medical concerns for the mother or fetus that necessitate the termination of the pregnancy.
  • Patient Choice The procedure is also indicated when a patient makes an informed decision to terminate the pregnancy for personal, social, or economic reasons.

2. Procedure

The procedure for CPT® Code 59856 involves several key steps that ensure the safe and effective termination of pregnancy. The following outlines the procedural steps:

  • Step 1: Patient Preparation The patient is first evaluated and prepared for the procedure. This includes obtaining informed consent, discussing the procedure, and addressing any questions or concerns the patient may have.
  • Step 2: Administration of Vaginal Suppositories The physician inserts one or more vaginal suppositories, such as prostaglandins, into the vagina. These medications are designed to induce uterine contractions, facilitating the termination of the pregnancy.
  • Step 3: Cervical Dilation If necessary, the physician may perform cervical dilation to increase the diameter of the cervix. This can be achieved using devices like laminaria, which are inserted into the cervix to gradually expand it, allowing for easier access during the procedure.
  • Step 4: Delivery of Fetus and Secundines Following the administration of the suppositories and any necessary cervical dilation, the fetus and the associated tissues (secundines) are delivered vaginally. This process may involve the patient experiencing contractions as the body expels the contents of the uterus.
  • Step 5: Dilation and Curettage (D&C) or Evacuation After the delivery, the physician may perform a dilation and curettage (D&C) or an evacuation procedure to remove any remaining fetal tissue from the uterus. This step is crucial to ensure that the uterus is cleared completely to prevent complications.

3. Post-Procedure

After the completion of the procedure, the patient is monitored for any complications or adverse reactions. Post-procedure care may include pain management, instructions for follow-up visits, and guidance on signs of potential complications, such as excessive bleeding or infection. The patient may also receive counseling and support regarding emotional and psychological aspects following the termination of pregnancy. It is essential for the patient to have access to follow-up care to ensure a safe recovery and address any ongoing health concerns.

Long Descr Induced abortion, by 1 or more vaginal suppositories (eg, prostaglandin) with or without cervical dilation (eg, laminaria), including hospital admission and visits, delivery of fetus and secundines; with dilation and curettage and/or evacuation
Status Code Restricted Coverage
Global Days 090 - Major Surgery
PC/TC Indicator (26, TC) 0 - Physician Service Code
Multiple Procedures (51) 2 - Standard payment adjustment rules for multiple procedures apply.
Bilateral Surgery (50) 0 - 150% payment adjustment for bilateral procedures does NOT apply.
Physician Supervisions 09 - Concept does not apply.
Assistant Surgeon (80, 82) 0 - Payment restriction for assistants at surgery applies to this procedure...
Co-Surgeons (62) 0 - Co-surgeons not permitted for this procedure.
Team Surgery (66) 0 - Team surgeons not permitted for this procedure.
Diagnostic Imaging Family 99 - Concept Does Not Apply
APC Status Indicator Inpatient Procedures, not paid under OPPS
Type of Service (TOS) 2 - Surgery
Berenson-Eggers TOS (BETOS) P1G - Major procedure - Other
CCS Clinical Classification 126 - Abortion (termination of pregnancy)
Q6 Service furnished under a fee-for-time compensation arrangement by a substitute physician or by a substitute physical therapist furnishing outpatient physical therapy services in a health professional shortage area, a medically underserved area, or a rural area
2025-01-01 Changed Short Description changed.
2013-01-01 Changed Medium Descriptor changed.
2010-01-01 Changed Code description changed.
1995-01-01 Added First appearance in code book in 1995.