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Official Description

Transcatheter permanent occlusion or embolization (eg, for tumor destruction, to achieve hemostasis, to occlude a vascular malformation), percutaneous, any method; central nervous system (intracranial, spinal cord)

© Copyright 2025 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

Common Language Description

The CPT® Code 61624 refers to a specialized medical procedure known as transcatheter permanent occlusion or embolization, specifically targeting the central nervous system (CNS), which includes both intracranial and spinal cord arteries. This procedure is performed percutaneously, meaning it is done through the skin, utilizing a catheter that is inserted into the vascular system. The primary objectives of this procedure include tumor destruction, achieving hemostasis (the stopping of bleeding), or occluding (blocking) a vascular malformation. The procedure begins with the selection and puncture of an access artery, followed by the placement of an introducer sheath to facilitate the insertion of a guidewire. This guidewire is then advanced to the target vessel, guided by imaging techniques that are separately reportable. Once the target area is confirmed through diagnostic angiography, the physician can proceed with the occlusion or embolization process. This involves either deploying an occlusion device or injecting an embolizing agent to effectively block the blood flow to the targeted area. The procedure is concluded with a post-procedure neurological examination to ensure the patient's neurological stability, confirming the success of the intervention.

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