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Official Description

Behavioral health; long-term residential (non-medical, non-acute care in a residential treatment program where stay is typically longer than 30 days), without room and board, per diem
Short Descr Alcohol and/or drug services
Coverage Not payable by Medicare
Pricing Indicator(s) 00 – Service not separately priced by part B (e.G., services not covered, bundled, used by part a only, etc.)
MPI 9 – Not applicable, as HCPCS not priced separately by part B (pricing indicator is 00) or value is not established (pricing indicator is '99')
BETOS Z2 – Undefined codes
TOS Code(s) 9 – Other medical items or services
Added Date 1/1/2001
Status Code Not Valid for Medicare Purposes
Global Days XXX - Global Concept Does Not Apply
PC/TC Indicator (26, TC) 9 - Not Applicable
Multiple Procedures (51) 9 - Concept does not apply.
Bilateral Surgery (50) 9 - Concept does not apply.
Physician Supervisions 09 - Concept does not apply.
Assistant Surgeon (80, 82) 9 - Concept does not apply.
Co-Surgeons (62) 9 - Concept does not apply.
Team Surgery (66) 9 - Concept does not apply.
Diagnostic Imaging Family 99 - Concept Does Not Apply
MUE Not applicable/unspecified.
MUE Not applicable/unspecified.
OTS Orthotic No
CCS Clinical Classification 219 - Alcohol and drug rehabilitation/detoxification
GY Item or service statutorily excluded, does not meet the definition of any medicare benefit or, for non-medicare insurers, is not a contract benefit
GA Waiver of liability statement issued as required by payer policy, individual case
HH Integrated mental health/substance abuse program
U5 Medicaid level of care 5, as defined by each state
U4 Medicaid level of care 4, as defined by each state
2001-01-01 Added Code added 1/1/2001