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Official Description

Injection, certolizumab pegol, 1 mg (code may be used for Medicare when drug administered under the direct supervision of a physician, not for use when drug is self administered)
Short Descr Certolizumab pegol inj 1mg
Related Drugs Cimzia
Coverage Carrier Priced
Pricing Indicator(s) 51 – Drugs
MPI A – Not applicable, as HCPCS priced under one methodology
ASC Payment Group Code YY – 1/01/2014
BETOS O1E – Other drugs
TOS Code(s) 1 – Medical care
Added Date 1/1/2014
Status Code Excluded from Physician Fee Schedule by Regulation
Global Days XXX - Global Concept Does Not Apply
PC/TC Indicator (26, TC) 9 - Not Applicable
Multiple Procedures (51) 9 - Concept does not apply.
Bilateral Surgery (50) 9 - Concept does not apply.
Physician Supervisions 09 - Concept does not apply.
Assistant Surgeon (80, 82) 9 - Concept does not apply.
Co-Surgeons (62) 9 - Concept does not apply.
Team Surgery (66) 9 - Concept does not apply.
Diagnostic Imaging Family 99 - Concept Does Not Apply
APC Status Indicator Nonpass-Through Drugs and Nonimplantable Biologicals, Including Therapeutic Radiopharmaceuticals
ASC Payment Indicator Drugs and biologicals paid separately when provided integral to a surgical procedure on ASC list; payment based on OPPS rate.
MUE 400
OTS Orthotic No
JZ Zero drug amount discarded/not administered to any patient
JB Administered subcutaneously
EJ Subsequent claims for a defined course of therapy, e.g., epo, sodium hyaluronate, infliximab
KX Requirements specified in the medical policy have been met
LT Left side (used to identify procedures performed on the left side of the body)
RT Right side (used to identify procedures performed on the right side of the body)
JA Administered intravenously
GA Waiver of liability statement issued as required by payer policy, individual case
TB Drug or biological acquired with 340b drug pricing program discount, reported for informational purposes
JW Drug amount discarded/not administered to any patient
GW Service not related to the hospice patient's terminal condition
59 Distinct procedural service: under certain circumstances, it may be necessary to indicate that a procedure or service was distinct or independent from other non-e/m services performed on the same day. modifier 59 is used to identify procedures/services, other than e/m services, that are not normally reported together, but are appropriate under the circumstances. documentation must support a different session, different procedure or surgery, different site or organ system, separate incision/excision, separate lesion, or separate injury (or area of injury in extensive injuries) not ordinarily encountered or performed on the same day by the same individual. however, when another already established modifier is appropriate it should be used rather than modifier 59. only if no more descriptive modifier is available, and the use of modifier 59 best explains the circumstances, should modifier 59 be used. note: modifier 59 should not be appended to an e/m service. to report a separate and distinct e/m service with a non-e/m service performed on the same date, see modifier 25.
GY Item or service statutorily excluded, does not meet the definition of any medicare benefit or, for non-medicare insurers, is not a contract benefit
JG Drug or biological acquired with 340b drug pricing program discount, reported for informational purposes
Q6 Service furnished under a fee-for-time compensation arrangement by a substitute physician or by a substitute physical therapist furnishing outpatient physical therapy services in a health professional shortage area, a medically underserved area, or a rural area
UD Medicaid level of care 13, as defined by each state
76 Repeat procedure or service by same physician or other qualified health care professional: it may be necessary to indicate that a procedure or service was repeated by the same physician or other qualified health care professional subsequent to the original procedure or service. this circumstance may be reported by adding modifier 76 to the repeated procedure or service. note: this modifier should not be appended to an e/m service.
CR Catastrophe/disaster related
GV Attending physician not employed or paid under arrangement by the patient's hospice provider
25 Significant, separately identifiable evaluation and management service by the same physician or other qualified health care professional on the same day of the procedure or other service: it may be necessary to indicate that on the day a procedure or service identified by a cpt code was performed, the patient's condition required a significant, separately identifiable e/m service above and beyond the other service provided or beyond the usual preoperative and postoperative care associated with the procedure that was performed. a significant, separately identifiable e/m service is defined or substantiated by documentation that satisfies the relevant criteria for the respective e/m service to be reported (see evaluation and management services guidelines for instructions on determining level of e/m service). the e/m service may be prompted by the symptom or condition for which the procedure and/or service was provided. as such, different diagnoses are not required for reporting of the e/m services on the same date. this circumstance may be reported by adding modifier 25 to the appropriate level of e/m service. note: this modifier is not used to report an e/m service that resulted in a decision to perform surgery. see modifier 57 for significant, separately identifiable non-e/m services, see modifier 59.
95 Synchronous telemedicine service rendered via a real-time interactive audio and video telecommunications system: synchronous telemedicine service is defined as a real-time interaction between a physician or other qualified health care professional and a patient who is located at a distant site from the physician or other qualified health care professional. the totality of the communication of information exchanged between the physician or other qualified health care professional and the patient during the course of the synchronous telemedicine service must be of an amount and nature that would be sufficient to meet the key components and/or requirements of the same service when rendered via a face-to-face interaction. modifier 95 may only be appended to the services listed in appendix p. appendix p is the list of cpt codes for services that are typically performed face-to-face, but may be rendered via a real-time (synchronous) interactive audio and video telecommunications system.
AQ Physician providing a service in an unlisted health professional shortage area (hpsa)
CC Procedure code change (use 'cc' when the procedure code submitted was changed either for administrative reasons or because an incorrect code was filed)
GC This service has been performed in part by a resident under the direction of a teaching physician
GZ Item or service expected to be denied as not reasonable and necessary
PN Non-excepted service provided at an off-campus, outpatient, provider-based department of a hospital
Q5 Service furnished under a reciprocal billing arrangement by a substitute physician or by a substitute physical therapist furnishing outpatient physical therapy services in a health professional shortage area, a medically underserved area, or a rural area
SA Nurse practitioner rendering service in collaboration with a physician
SC Medically necessary service or supply
XS Separate structure, a service that is distinct because it was performed on a separate organ/structure
XU Unusual non-overlapping service, the use of a service that is distinct because it does not overlap usual components of the main service
2014-01-01 Added Added