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Official Description

Displaced fracture of middle third of navicular [scaphoid] bone of unspecified wrist, subsequent encounter for fracture with malunion
Short Descr Disp fx of mid 3rd of navic bone of unsp wrs, 7thP
2015-10-01 Added Code established
07DQ0ZZ Extraction of Sternum Bone Marrow, Open Approach
07DQ3ZZ Extraction of Sternum Bone Marrow, Percutaneous Approach
07DR0ZZ Extraction of Iliac Bone Marrow, Open Approach
07DR3ZZ Extraction of Iliac Bone Marrow, Percutaneous Approach
07DS0ZZ Extraction of Vertebral Bone Marrow, Open Approach
07DS3ZZ Extraction of Vertebral Bone Marrow, Percutaneous Approach
3E0U0GB Introduction of Recombinant Bone Morphogenetic Protein into Joints, Open Approach
3E0U3GC Introduction of Other Therapeutic Substance into Joints, Percutaneous Approach
3E0V0GB Introduction of Recombinant Bone Morphogenetic Protein into Bones, Open Approach
3E0V3GC Introduction of Other Therapeutic Substance into Bones, Percutaneous Approach
6A550ZV Pheresis of Hematopoietic Stem Cells, Single
6A551ZV Pheresis of Hematopoietic Stem Cells, Multiple
C9359 Porous purified collagen matrix bone void filler (integra mozaik osteoconductive scaffold putty, integra os osteoconductive scaffold putty), per 0.5 cc
C9362 Porous purified collagen matrix bone void filler (integra mozaik osteoconductive scaffold strip), per 0.5 cc
J2760 Injection, phentolamine mesylate, up to 5 mg
733.81 Malunion of fracture