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20. External causes of morbidity (V00-Y99)
V00-X58 Accidents (V00-X58)
V00-V99 Transport accidents (V00-V99)
V90-V94 Water transport accidents (V90-V94)
V91 Other injury due to accident to watercraft
V91.2 Fall due to collision between wate...
V91.2 Fall due to collision between watercraft and other watercraft or other object
V91.20 Fall due to collision between merchant ship and other watercraft or other object
V91.21 Fall due to collision between passenger ship and other watercraft or other object Fall due to collision between Ferry-boat and other watercraft or other objectFall due to collision between Liner and other watercraft or other object
V91.22 Fall due to collision between fishing boat and other watercraft or other object
V91.23 Fall due to collision between other powered watercraft and other watercraft or other object
V91.24 Fall due to collision between sailboat and other watercraft or other object
V91.25 Fall due to collision between canoe or kayak and other watercraft or other object
V91.26 Fall due to collision between (nonpowered) inflatable craft and other watercraft or other object
V91.29 Fall due to collision between unspecified watercraft and other watercraft or other object