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20. External causes of morbidity (V00-Y99)
V00-X58 Accidents (V00-X58)
V00-V99 Transport accidents (V00-V99)
V90-V94 Water transport accidents (V90-V94)
V93 Other injury due to accident on board watercraft, without accident to watercraft
V93.0 Burn due to localized fire on boar...
V93.0 Burn due to localized fire on board watercraft
V93.00 Burn due to localized fire on board merchant vessel
V93.01 Burn due to localized fire on board passenger vessel Burn due to localized fire on board Ferry-boatBurn due to localized fire on board Liner
V93.02 Burn due to localized fire on board fishing boat
V93.03 Burn due to localized fire on board other powered watercraft Burn due to localized fire on board HovercraftBurn due to localized fire on board Jet ski
V93.04 Burn due to localized fire on board sailboat
V93.09 Burn due to localized fire on board unspecified watercraft Burn due to localized fire on board boat NOSBurn due to localized fire on board ship NOSBurn due to localized fire on board watercraft NOS