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19. Injury, poisoning and certain other consequences of external causes (S00-T88)
T07-T88 Injury, poisoning and certain other consequences of external causes (T07-T88)
T51-T65 Toxic effects of substances chiefly nonmedicinal as to source (T51-T65)
T63 Toxic effect of contact with venomous animals and plants
T63.3 Toxic effect of venom of spider
T63.32 Toxic effect of venom of tarantula
T63.323 Toxic effect of venom of tarantu...
T63.323 Toxic effect of venom of tarantula, assault
ICD-10-CM Code T63.323A
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ICD-10-CM Code T63.323D
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Quisquam, quos.
ICD-10-CM Code T63.323S
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Quisquam, quos.