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20. External causes of morbidity (V00-Y99)
V00-X58 Accidents (V00-X58)
V00-V99 Transport accidents (V00-V99)
V90-V94 Water transport accidents (V90-V94)
V94 Other and unspecified water transport accidents
V94.3 Injury to rider of (inflatable) wa...
V94.3 Injury to rider of (inflatable) watercraft being pulled behind other watercraft
V94.31 Injury to rider of (inflatable) recreational watercraft being pulled behind other watercraft Injury to rider of inner-tube pulled behind motor boat
V94.32 Injury to rider of non-recreational watercraft being pulled behind other watercraft Injury to occupant of dingy being pulled behind boat or shipInjury to occupant of life-raft being pulled behind boat or ship