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20. External causes of morbidity (V00-Y99)
V00-X58 Accidents (V00-X58)
V00-V99 Transport accidents (V00-V99)
V98-V99 Other and unspecified transport accidents (V98-V99)
V98 Other specified transport accidents
V98 Other specified transport accidents
V98.0 Accident to, on or involving cable-car, not on rails Caught or dragged by cable-car, not on railsFall or jump from cable-car, not on railsObject thrown from or in cable-car, not on rails
V98.1 Accident to, on or involving land-yacht
V98.2 Accident to, on or involving ice yacht
V98.3 Accident to, on or involving ski lift Accident to, on or involving ski chair-liftAccident to, on or involving ski-lift with gondola
V98.8 Other specified transport accidents