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Official Description

Malignant mast cell tumors; lymph nodes of multiple sites
Short Descr Mal mastocytosis mult
CMS-HCC v12 9 - Lymphatic, Head and Neck, Brain, and Other Major Cancers
CMS-HCC v21 10 - Lymphoma and Other Cancers
CMS-HCC v22 10 - Lymphoma and Other Cancers
ESRD-HCC v21 10 - Lymphoma and Other Cancers
HHS-HCC v03 (ACA) 10 - Non-Hodgkin's Lymphomas and Other Cancers and Tumors
HHS-HCC v04 (ACA) 10 - Non-Hodgkin's Lymphomas and Other Cancers and Tumors
Rx-HCC v05 (2016) 18 - Lung, Kidney, and Other Cancers