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Official Description

Aplastic anemia, unspecified
Anemia: aplastic (idiopathic) NOS, aregenerative, hypoplastic NOS, nonregenerative
Medullary hypoplasia
Excludes: refractory anemia (238.72)
Short Descr Aplastic anemia NOS
CMS-HCC v12 44 - Severe Hematological Disorders
CMS-HCC v21 46 - Severe Hematological Disorders
CMS-HCC v22 46 - Severe Hematological Disorders
ESRD-HCC v21 46 - Severe Hematological Disorders
HHS-HCC v03 (ACA) 68 - Aplastic Anemia
HHS-HCC v04 (ACA) 68 - Aplastic Anemia
Rx-HCC v03 50 - Aplastic Anemia and Other Significant Blood Disorders
Rx-HCC v05 (2016) 98 - Aplastic Anemia and Other Significant Blood Disorders