© Copyright 2025 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a sophisticated imaging technique utilized to visualize the internal structures of the body, particularly joints of the lower extremity, such as the knee, ankle, and hip. This noninvasive procedure employs a powerful magnetic field and radiofrequency waves to generate detailed images without the use of ionizing radiation, making it a safer alternative to traditional imaging methods like X-rays or CT scans. During the MRI process, the patient is positioned on a motorized table that moves into a large, cylindrical scanner, which houses the magnet. The magnetic field aligns the hydrogen atoms present in the body, primarily found in water and fat. Subsequently, radiofrequency pulses are applied, causing these aligned protons to emit signals that are captured and processed by a computer. The result is high-resolution, three-dimensional images that provide critical insights into the condition of the joint being examined. MRI is particularly valuable for diagnosing various conditions, including injuries, trauma, unexplained pain, swelling, and loss of motion in the joint. The absence of contrast material in CPT® Code 73721 indicates that the imaging is performed without any additional substances to enhance visibility, focusing solely on the natural contrast provided by the body's tissues. This procedure is essential for detecting abnormalities such as tumors, infections, inflammation, and other pathologies affecting the joint and surrounding soft tissues.
© Copyright 2025 Coding Ahead. All rights reserved.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the lower extremity joints is indicated for a variety of clinical scenarios. The following conditions or symptoms may warrant the use of CPT® Code 73721:
The procedure for conducting an MRI of a lower extremity joint without contrast involves several key steps:
After the MRI procedure, there are typically no specific post-procedure care requirements, as the process is noninvasive and does not involve the use of contrast material. Patients can usually resume their normal activities immediately following the scan. However, they may be advised to wait for the results, which will be interpreted by a physician. The physician will review the MRI images to assess for any abnormalities and correlate the findings with the patient's clinical symptoms. Follow-up appointments may be scheduled to discuss the results and any necessary further actions or treatments based on the findings.
Long Descr | Magnetic resonance (eg, proton) imaging, any joint of lower extremity; without contrast material |
Status Code | Active Code |
Global Days | XXX - Global Concept Does Not Apply |
PC/TC Indicator (26, TC) | 1 - Diagnostic Tests for Radiology Services |
Multiple Procedures (51) | 4 - Special payment adjustment rules on the technical component (TC) of multiple diagnostic imaging procedures apply... |
Bilateral Surgery (50) | 3 - The usual payment adjustment for bilateral procedures does not apply. |
Physician Supervisions | 09 - Concept does not apply. |
Assistant Surgeon (80, 82) | 0 - Payment restriction for assistants at surgery applies to this procedure... |
Co-Surgeons (62) | 0 - Co-surgeons not permitted for this procedure. |
Team Surgery (66) | 0 - Team surgeons not permitted for this procedure. |
Diagnostic Imaging Family | 88 - |
APC Status Indicator | Codes That May Be Paid Through a Composite APC |
ASC Payment Indicator | Radiology service paid separately when provided integral to a surgical procedure on ASC list; payment based on OPPS relative payment weight. |
Type of Service (TOS) | 4 - Diagnostic Radiology |
Berenson-Eggers TOS (BETOS) | I2D - Advanced imaging - MRI/MRA: other |
MUE | 3 |
CCS Clinical Classification | 198 - Magnetic resonance imaging |
This is a primary code that can be used with these additional add-on codes.
0649T | Add-on Code MPFS Status: Carrier Priced APC S Quantitative magnetic resonance for analysis of tissue composition (eg, fat, iron, water content), including multiparametric data acquisition, data preparation and transmission, interpretation and report, obtained with diagnostic MRI examination of the same anatomy (eg, organ, gland, tissue, target structure); single organ (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure) |
0698T | Add-on Code Resequenced Code MPFS Status: Carrier Priced APC S ASC Z2 Quantitative magnetic resonance for analysis of tissue composition (eg, fat, iron, water content), including multiparametric data acquisition, data preparation and transmission, interpretation and report, obtained with diagnostic MRI examination of the same anatomy (eg, organ, gland, tissue, target structure); multiple organs (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure) |
RT | Right side (used to identify procedures performed on the right side of the body) |
LT | Left side (used to identify procedures performed on the left side of the body) |
26 | Professional component: certain procedures are a combination of a physician or other qualified health care professional component and a technical component. when the physician or other qualified health care professional component is reported separately, the service may be identified by adding modifier 26 to the usual procedure number. |
TC | Technical component; under certain circumstances, a charge may be made for the technical component alone; under those circumstances the technical component charge is identified by adding modifier 'tc' to the usual procedure number; technical component charges are institutional charges and not billed separately by physicians; however, portable x-ray suppliers only bill for technical component and should utilize modifier tc; the charge data from portable x-ray suppliers will then be used to build customary and prevailing profiles |
X5 | Diagnostic services requested by another clinician: for reporting services by a clinician who furnishes care to the patient only as requested by another clinician or subsequent and related services requested by another clinician; this modifier is reported for patient relationships that may not be adequately captured by the above alternative categories; reporting clinician service examples include but are not limited to, the radiologist's interpretation of an imaging study requested by another clinician |
51 | Multiple procedures: when multiple procedures, other than e/m services, physical medicine and rehabilitation services or provision of supplies (eg, vaccines), are performed at the same session by the same individual, the primary procedure or service may be reported as listed. the additional procedure(s) or service(s) may be identified by appending modifier 51 to the additional procedure or service code(s). note: this modifier should not be appended to designated "add-on" codes (see appendix d). |
MH | Unknown if ordering professional consulted a clinical decision support mechanism for this service, related information was not provided to the furnishing professional or provider |
ME | The order for this service adheres to appropriate use criteria in the clinical decision support mechanism consulted by the ordering professional |
MG | The order for this service does not have applicable appropriate use criteria in the qualified clinical decision support mechanism consulted by the ordering professional |
50 | Bilateral procedure: unless otherwise identified in the listings, bilateral procedures that are performed at the same session, should be identified by adding modifier 50 to the appropriate 5 digit code. note: this modifier should not be appended to designated "add-on" codes (see appendix d). |
GC | This service has been performed in part by a resident under the direction of a teaching physician |
GA | Waiver of liability statement issued as required by payer policy, individual case |
Q6 | Service furnished under a fee-for-time compensation arrangement by a substitute physician or by a substitute physical therapist furnishing outpatient physical therapy services in a health professional shortage area, a medically underserved area, or a rural area |
59 | Distinct procedural service: under certain circumstances, it may be necessary to indicate that a procedure or service was distinct or independent from other non-e/m services performed on the same day. modifier 59 is used to identify procedures/services, other than e/m services, that are not normally reported together, but are appropriate under the circumstances. documentation must support a different session, different procedure or surgery, different site or organ system, separate incision/excision, separate lesion, or separate injury (or area of injury in extensive injuries) not ordinarily encountered or performed on the same day by the same individual. however, when another already established modifier is appropriate it should be used rather than modifier 59. only if no more descriptive modifier is available, and the use of modifier 59 best explains the circumstances, should modifier 59 be used. note: modifier 59 should not be appended to an e/m service. to report a separate and distinct e/m service with a non-e/m service performed on the same date, see modifier 25. |
76 | Repeat procedure or service by same physician or other qualified health care professional: it may be necessary to indicate that a procedure or service was repeated by the same physician or other qualified health care professional subsequent to the original procedure or service. this circumstance may be reported by adding modifier 76 to the repeated procedure or service. note: this modifier should not be appended to an e/m service. |
Ordering professional consulted a qualified clinical decision support mechanism for this service and the related data was provided to the furnishing professional | |
52 | Reduced services: under certain circumstances a service or procedure is partially reduced or eliminated at the discretion of the physician or other qualified health care professional. under these circumstances the service provided can be identified by its usual procedure number and the addition of modifier 52, signifying that the service is reduced. this provides a means of reporting reduced services without disturbing the identification of the basic service. note: for hospital outpatient reporting of a previously scheduled procedure/service that is partially reduced or cancelled as a result of extenuating circumstances or those that threaten the well-being of the patient prior to or after administration of anesthesia, see modifiers 73 and 74 (see modifiers approved for asc hospital outpatient use). |
XS | Separate structure, a service that is distinct because it was performed on a separate organ/structure |
MC | Ordering professional is not required to consult a clinical decision support mechanism due to the significant hardship exception of electronic health record or clinical decision support mechanism vendor issues |
MF | The order for this service does not adhere to the appropriate use criteria in the clinical decision support mechanism consulted by the ordering professional |
77 | Repeat procedure by another physician or other qualified health care professional: it may be necessary to indicate that a basic procedure or service was repeated by another physician or other qualified health care professional subsequent to the original procedure or service. this circumstance may be reported by adding modifier 77 to the repeated procedure or service. note: this modifier should not be appended to an e/m service. |
27 | Multiple outpatient hospital e/m encounters on the same date: for hospital outpatient reporting purposes, utilization of hospital resources related to separate and distinct e/m encounters performed in multiple outpatient hospital settings on the same date may be reported by adding modifier 27 to each appropriate level outpatient and/or emergency department e/m code(s). this modifier provides a means of reporting circumstances involving evaluation and management services provided by physician(s) in more than one (multiple) outpatient hospital setting(s) (eg, hospital emergency department, clinic). note: this modifier is not to be used for physician reporting of multiple e/m services performed by the same physician on the same date. for physician reporting of all outpatient evaluation and management services provided by the same physician on the same date and performed in multiple outpatient setting(s) (eg, hospital emergency department, clinic), see evaluation and management, emergency department, or preventive medicine services codes. |
53 | Discontinued procedure: under certain circumstances, the physician or other qualified health care professional may elect to terminate a surgical or diagnostic procedure. due to extenuating circumstances or those that threaten the well being of the patient, it may be necessary to indicate that a surgical or diagnostic procedure was started but discontinued. this circumstance may be reported by adding modifier 53 to the code reported by the individual for the discontinued procedure. note: this modifier is not used to report the elective cancellation of a procedure prior to the patient's anesthesia induction and/or surgical preparation in the operating suite. for outpatient hospital/ambulatory surgery center (asc) reporting of a previously scheduled procedure/service that is partially reduced or cancelled as a result of extenuating circumstances or those that threaten the well being of the patient prior to or after administration of anesthesia, see modifiers 73 and 74 (see modifiers approved for asc hospital outpatient use). |
79 | Unrelated procedure or service by the same physician or other qualified health care professional during the postoperative period: the individual may need to indicate that the performance of a procedure or service during the postoperative period was unrelated to the original procedure. this circumstance may be reported by using modifier 79. (for repeat procedures on the same day, see modifier 76.) |
99 | Multiple modifiers: under certain circumstances 2 or more modifiers may be necessary to completely delineate a service. in such situations modifier 99 should be added to the basic procedure, and other applicable modifiers may be listed as part of the description of the service. |
AM | Physician, team member service |
AQ | Physician providing a service in an unlisted health professional shortage area (hpsa) |
CC | Procedure code change (use 'cc' when the procedure code submitted was changed either for administrative reasons or because an incorrect code was filed) |
CR | Catastrophe/disaster related |
ET | Emergency services |
FT | Unrelated evaluation and management (e/m) visit on the same day as another e/m visit or during a global procedure (preoperative, postoperative period, or on the same day as the procedure, as applicable). (report when an e/m visit is furnished within the global period but is unrelated, or when one or more additional e/m visits furnished on the same day are unrelated) |
FY | X-ray taken using computed radiography technology/cassette-based imaging |
GQ | Via asynchronous telecommunications system |
GV | Attending physician not employed or paid under arrangement by the patient's hospice provider |
GW | Service not related to the hospice patient's terminal condition |
GX | Notice of liability issued, voluntary under payer policy |
GY | Item or service statutorily excluded, does not meet the definition of any medicare benefit or, for non-medicare insurers, is not a contract benefit |
GZ | Item or service expected to be denied as not reasonable and necessary |
KT | Beneficiary resides in a competitive bidding area and travels outside that competitive bidding area and receives a competitive bid item |
KX | Requirements specified in the medical policy have been met |
MA | Ordering professional is not required to consult a clinical decision support mechanism due to service being rendered to a patient with a suspected or confirmed emergency medical condition |
MB | Ordering professional is not required to consult a clinical decision support mechanism due to the significant hardship exception of insufficient internet access |
PD | Diagnostic or related non diagnostic item or service provided in a wholly owned or operated entity to a patient who is admitted as an inpatient within 3 days |
Q1 | Routine clinical service provided in a clinical research study that is in an approved clinical research study |
Q5 | Service furnished under a reciprocal billing arrangement by a substitute physician or by a substitute physical therapist furnishing outpatient physical therapy services in a health professional shortage area, a medically underserved area, or a rural area |
QJ | Services/items provided to a prisoner or patient in state or local custody, however the state or local government, as applicable, meets the requirements in 42 cfr 411.4 (b) |
T3 | Left foot, fourth digit |
TL | Early intervention/individualized family service plan (ifsp) |
TR | School-based individualized education program (iep) services provided outside the public school district responsible for the student |
U2 | Medicaid level of care 2, as defined by each state |
X4 | Episodic/focused services: for reporting services by clinicians who provide focused care on particular types of treatment limited to a defined period and circumstance; the patient has a problem, acute or chronic, that will be treated with surgery, radiation, or some other type of generally time-limited intervention; reporting clinician service examples include but are not limited to, the orthopedic surgeon performing a knee replacement and seeing the patient through the postoperative period |
XE | Separate encounter, a service that is distinct because it occurred during a separate encounter |
XP | Separate practitioner, a service that is distinct because it was performed by a different practitioner |
XU | Unusual non-overlapping service, the use of a service that is distinct because it does not overlap usual components of the main service |
2001-01-01 | Changed | Code description changed. |
Pre-1990 | Added | Code added. |
BL30Y0Z | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Upper Extremity Connective Tissue using Other Contrast, Unenhanced and Enhanced |
BL30YZZ | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Upper Extremity Connective Tissue using Other Contrast |
BL30ZZZ | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Upper Extremity Connective Tissue |
BL31Y0Z | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Lower Extremity Connective Tissue using Other Contrast, Unenhanced and Enhanced |
BL31YZZ | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Lower Extremity Connective Tissue using Other Contrast |
BL31ZZZ | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Lower Extremity Connective Tissue |
BL32Y0Z | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Upper Extremity Tendons using Other Contrast, Unenhanced and Enhanced |
BL32YZZ | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Upper Extremity Tendons using Other Contrast |
BL32ZZZ | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Upper Extremity Tendons |
BL33Y0Z | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Lower Extremity Tendons using Other Contrast, Unenhanced and Enhanced |
BL33YZZ | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Lower Extremity Tendons using Other Contrast |
BL33ZZZ | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Lower Extremity Tendons |
BN39YZZ | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Bilateral Temporomandibular Joints using Other Contrast |
BN39ZZZ | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Bilateral Temporomandibular Joints |
BP38Y0Z | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Right Shoulder using Other Contrast, Unenhanced and Enhanced |
BP38YZZ | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Right Shoulder using Other Contrast |
BP38ZZZ | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Right Shoulder |
BP39Y0Z | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Left Shoulder using Other Contrast, Unenhanced and Enhanced |
BP39YZZ | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Left Shoulder using Other Contrast |
BP39ZZZ | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Left Shoulder |
BP3CY0Z | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Right Hand/Finger Joint using Other Contrast, Unenhanced and Enhanced |
BP3CYZZ | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Right Hand/Finger Joint using Other Contrast |
BP3CZZZ | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Right Hand/Finger Joint |
BP3DY0Z | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Left Hand/Finger Joint using Other Contrast, Unenhanced and Enhanced |
BP3DYZZ | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Left Hand/Finger Joint using Other Contrast |
BP3DZZZ | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Left Hand/Finger Joint |
BP3EY0Z | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Right Upper Arm using Other Contrast, Unenhanced and Enhanced |
BP3EYZZ | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Right Upper Arm using Other Contrast |
BP3EZZZ | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Right Upper Arm |
BP3FY0Z | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Left Upper Arm using Other Contrast, Unenhanced and Enhanced |
BP3FYZZ | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Left Upper Arm using Other Contrast |
BP3FZZZ | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Left Upper Arm |
BP3GY0Z | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Right Elbow using Other Contrast, Unenhanced and Enhanced |
BP3GYZZ | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Right Elbow using Other Contrast |
BP3GZZZ | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Right Elbow |
BP3HY0Z | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Left Elbow using Other Contrast, Unenhanced and Enhanced |
BP3HYZZ | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Left Elbow using Other Contrast |
BP3HZZZ | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Left Elbow |
BP3JY0Z | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Right Forearm using Other Contrast, Unenhanced and Enhanced |
BP3JYZZ | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Right Forearm using Other Contrast |
BP3JZZZ | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Right Forearm |
BP3KY0Z | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Left Forearm using Other Contrast, Unenhanced and Enhanced |
BP3KYZZ | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Left Forearm using Other Contrast |
BP3KZZZ | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Left Forearm |
BP3LY0Z | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Right Wrist using Other Contrast, Unenhanced and Enhanced |
BP3LYZZ | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Right Wrist using Other Contrast |
BP3LZZZ | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Right Wrist |
BP3MY0Z | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Left Wrist using Other Contrast, Unenhanced and Enhanced |
BP3MYZZ | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Left Wrist using Other Contrast |
BP3MZZZ | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Left Wrist |
BQ30Y0Z | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Right Hip using Other Contrast, Unenhanced and Enhanced |
BQ30YZZ | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Right Hip using Other Contrast |
BQ30ZZZ | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Right Hip |
BQ31Y0Z | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Left Hip using Other Contrast, Unenhanced and Enhanced |
BQ31YZZ | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Left Hip using Other Contrast |
BQ31ZZZ | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Left Hip |
BQ33Y0Z | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Right Femur using Other Contrast, Unenhanced and Enhanced |
BQ33YZZ | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Right Femur using Other Contrast |
BQ33ZZZ | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Right Femur |
BQ34Y0Z | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Left Femur using Other Contrast, Unenhanced and Enhanced |
BQ34YZZ | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Left Femur using Other Contrast |
BQ34ZZZ | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Left Femur |
BQ37Y0Z | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Right Knee using Other Contrast, Unenhanced and Enhanced |
BQ37YZZ | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Right Knee using Other Contrast |
BQ37ZZZ | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Right Knee |
BQ38Y0Z | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Left Knee using Other Contrast, Unenhanced and Enhanced |
BQ38YZZ | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Left Knee using Other Contrast |
BQ38ZZZ | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Left Knee |
BQ3DY0Z | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Right Lower Leg using Other Contrast, Unenhanced and Enhanced |
BQ3DYZZ | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Right Lower Leg using Other Contrast |
BQ3DZZZ | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Right Lower Leg |
BQ3FY0Z | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Left Lower Leg using Other Contrast, Unenhanced and Enhanced |
BQ3FYZZ | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Left Lower Leg using Other Contrast |
BQ3FZZZ | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Left Lower Leg |
BQ3GY0Z | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Right Ankle using Other Contrast, Unenhanced and Enhanced |
BQ3GYZZ | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Right Ankle using Other Contrast |
BQ3GZZZ | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Right Ankle |
BQ3HY0Z | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Left Ankle using Other Contrast, Unenhanced and Enhanced |
BQ3HYZZ | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Left Ankle using Other Contrast |
BQ3HZZZ | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Left Ankle |
BQ3JY0Z | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Right Calcaneus using Other Contrast, Unenhanced and Enhanced |
BQ3JYZZ | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Right Calcaneus using Other Contrast |
BQ3JZZZ | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Right Calcaneus |
BQ3KY0Z | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Left Calcaneus using Other Contrast, Unenhanced and Enhanced |
BQ3KYZZ | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Left Calcaneus using Other Contrast |
BQ3KZZZ | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Left Calcaneus |
BQ3LY0Z | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Right Foot using Other Contrast, Unenhanced and Enhanced |
BQ3LYZZ | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Right Foot using Other Contrast |
BQ3LZZZ | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Right Foot |
BQ3MY0Z | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Left Foot using Other Contrast, Unenhanced and Enhanced |
BQ3MYZZ | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Left Foot using Other Contrast |
BQ3MZZZ | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Left Foot |
BQ3PY0Z | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Right Toe(s) using Other Contrast, Unenhanced and Enhanced |
BQ3PYZZ | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Right Toe(s) using Other Contrast |
BQ3PZZZ | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Right Toe(s) |
BQ3QY0Z | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Left Toe(s) using Other Contrast, Unenhanced and Enhanced |
BQ3QYZZ | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Left Toe(s) using Other Contrast |
BQ3QZZZ | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Left Toe(s) |
BQ3VY0Z | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Right Patella using Other Contrast, Unenhanced and Enhanced |
BQ3VYZZ | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Right Patella using Other Contrast |
BQ3VZZZ | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Right Patella |
BQ3WY0Z | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Left Patella using Other Contrast, Unenhanced and Enhanced |
BQ3WYZZ | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Left Patella using Other Contrast |
BQ3WZZZ | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Left Patella |
BR3CY0Z | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Pelvis using Other Contrast, Unenhanced and Enhanced |
BR3CYZZ | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Pelvis using Other Contrast |
BR3CZZZ | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Pelvis |
No matching codes found |
A9579 | Injection, gadolinium-based magnetic resonance contrast agent, not otherwise specified (nos), per ml |
A9585 | Injection, gadobutrol, 0.1 ml |
C8903 | Magnetic resonance imaging with contrast, breast; unilateral |
C8904 | Magnetic resonance imaging without contrast, breast; unilateral [deleted] |
C8905 | Magnetic resonance imaging without contrast followed by with contrast, breast; unilateral |
C8906 | Magnetic resonance imaging with contrast, breast; bilateral |
C8907 | Magnetic resonance imaging without contrast, breast; bilateral [deleted] |
C8908 | Magnetic resonance imaging without contrast followed by with contrast, breast; bilateral |
G0248 | Demonstration, prior to initiation of home inr monitoring, for patient with either mechanical heart valve(s), chronic atrial fibrillation, or venous thromboembolism who meets medicare coverage criteria, under the direction of a physician; includes: face-to-face demonstration of use and care of the inr monitor, obtaining at least one blood sample, provision of instructions for reporting home inr test results, and documentation of patient's ability to perform testing and report results |
G0249 | Provision of test materials and equipment for home inr monitoring of patient with either mechanical heart valve(s), chronic atrial fibrillation, or venous thromboembolism who meets medicare coverage criteria; includes: provision of materials for use in the home and reporting of test results to physician; testing not occurring more frequently than once a week; testing materials, billing units of service include 4 tests |
G0398 | Home sleep study test (hst) with type ii portable monitor, unattended; minimum of 7 channels: eeg, eog, emg, ecg/heart rate, airflow, respiratory effort and oxygen saturation |
G0399 | Home sleep test (hst) with type iii portable monitor, unattended; minimum of 4 channels: 2 respiratory movement/airflow, 1 ecg/heart rate and 1 oxygen saturation |
G0400 | Home sleep test (hst) with type iv portable monitor, unattended; minimum of 3 channels |
G2066 | Interrogation device evaluation(s), (remote) up to 30 days; implantable cardiovascular physiologic monitor system, implantable loop recorder system, or subcutaneous cardiac rhythm monitor system, remote data acquisition(s), receipt of transmissions and technician review, technical support and distribution of results [deleted] |
J0638 | Injection, canakinumab, 1 mg |
J2507 | Injection, pegloticase, 1 mg |
J2760 | Injection, phentolamine mesylate, up to 5 mg |
J8610 | Methotrexate; oral, 2.5 mg |
Q9953 | Injection, iron-based magnetic resonance contrast agent, per ml |
Q9954 | Oral magnetic resonance contrast agent, per 100 ml |
S8042 | Magnetic resonance imaging (mri), low-field |
No matching codes found |
094.0 | Tabes dorsalis |
164.2 | Malignant neoplasm of anterior mediastinum |
164.3 | Malignant neoplasm of posterior mediastinum |
164.8 | Malignant neoplasm of other parts of mediastinum |
164.9 | Malignant neoplasm of mediastinum, part unspecified |
170.4 | Malignant neoplasm of scapula and long bones of upper limb |
170.5 | Malignant neoplasm of short bones of upper limb |
170.7 | Malignant neoplasm of long bones of lower limb |
170.8 | Malignant neoplasm of short bones of lower limb |
170.9 | Malignant neoplasm of bone and articular cartilage, site unspecified |
171.2 | Malignant neoplasm of connective and other soft tissue of upper limb, including shoulder |
171.3 | Malignant neoplasm of connective and other soft tissue of lower limb, including hip |
171.6 | Malignant neoplasm of connective and other soft tissue of pelvis |
172.7 | Malignant melanoma of skin of lower limb, including hip |
173.7 | Other and unspecified malignant neoplasm of skin of lower limb, including hip [added] |
173.70 | Unspecified malignant neoplasm of skin of lower limb, including hip |
173.71 | Basal cell carcinoma of skin of lower limb, including hip |
173.72 | Squamous cell carcinoma of skin of lower limb, including hip |
173.79 | Other specified malignant neoplasm of skin of lower limb, including hip |
195.4 | Malignant neoplasm of upper limb |
195.5 | Malignant neoplasm of lower limb |
196.3 | Secondary and unspecified malignant neoplasm of lymph nodes of axilla and upper limb |
196.5 | Secondary and unspecified malignant neoplasm of lymph nodes of inguinal region and lower limb |
197.1 | Secondary malignant neoplasm of mediastinum |
198.5 | Secondary malignant neoplasm of bone and bone marrow |
198.89 | Secondary malignant neoplasm of other specified sites |
209.29 | Malignant carcinoid tumor of other sites |
209.30 | Malignant poorly differentiated neuroendocrine carcinoma, any site |
209.34 | Merkel cell carcinoma of the lower limb |
209.73 | Secondary neuroendocrine tumor of bone |
209.75 | Secondary Merkel cell carcinoma |
212.5 | Benign neoplasm of mediastinum |
212.8 | Benign neoplasm of other specified sites of respiratory and intrathoracic organs |
213.3 | Benign neoplasm of ribs, sternum, and clavicle |
213.4 | Benign neoplasm of scapula and long bones of upper limb |
213.5 | Benign neoplasm of short bones of upper limb |
213.6 | Benign neoplasm of pelvic bones, sacrum, and coccyx |
213.7 | Benign neoplasm of long bones of lower limb |
213.8 | Benign neoplasm of short bones of lower limb |
213.9 | Benign neoplasm of bone and articular cartilage, site unspecified |
214.9 | Lipoma, unspecified site |
215.3 | Other benign neoplasm of connective and other soft tissue of lower limb, including hip |
216.7 | Benign neoplasm of skin of lower limb, including hip |
228.1 | Lymphangioma, any site |
232.7 | Carcinoma in situ of skin of lower limb, including hip |
235.8 | Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of pleura, thymus, and mediastinum |
238.0 | Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of bone and articular cartilage |
238.1 | Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of connective and other soft tissue |
239.2 | Neoplasm of unspecified nature of bone, soft tissue, and skin |
239.89 | Neoplasms of unspecified nature, other specified sites |
249.70 | Secondary diabetes mellitus with peripheral circulatory disorders, not stated as uncontrolled, or unspecified |
249.71 | Secondary diabetes mellitus with peripheral circulatory disorders, uncontrolled |
250.70 | Diabetes with peripheral circulatory disorders, type II or unspecified type, not stated as uncontrolled |
250.71 | Diabetes with peripheral circulatory disorders, type I [juvenile type], not stated as uncontrolled |
250.72 | Diabetes with peripheral circulatory disorders, type II or unspecified type, uncontrolled |
250.73 | Diabetes with peripheral circulatory disorders, type I [juvenile type], uncontrolled |
274.00 | Gouty arthropathy, unspecified |
274.01 | Acute gouty arthropathy |
274.02 | Chronic gouty arthropathy without mention of tophus (tophi) |
274.03 | Chronic gouty arthropathy with tophus (tophi) |
353.6 | Phantom limb (syndrome) |
354.5 | Mononeuritis multiplex |
355.0 | Lesion of sciatic nerve |
355.1 | Meralgia paresthetica |
355.2 | Other lesion of femoral nerve |
355.3 | Lesion of lateral popliteal nerve |
355.4 | Lesion of medial popliteal nerve |
355.5 | Tarsal tunnel syndrome |
355.6 | Lesion of plantar nerve |
355.71 | Causalgia of lower limb |
355.79 | Other mononeuritis of lower limb |
359.21 | Myotonic muscular dystrophy |
359.22 | Myotonia congenita |
359.23 | Myotonic chondrodystrophy |
359.24 | Drug- induced myotonia |
359.29 | Other specified myotonic disorder |
359.3 | Periodic paralysis |
442.2 | Aneurysm of iliac artery |
442.3 | Aneurysm of artery of lower extremity |
442.89 | Aneurysm of other specified artery |
442.9 | Aneurysm of unspecified site |
444.22 | Arterial embolism and thrombosis of lower extremity |
447.0 | Arteriovenous fistula, acquired |
457.1 | Other lymphedema |
519.3 | Other diseases of mediastinum, not elsewhere classified |
681.00 | Cellulitis and abscess of finger, unspecified |
681.10 | Cellulitis and abscess of toe, unspecified |
682.2 | Cellulitis and abscess of trunk |
682.3 | Cellulitis and abscess of upper arm and forearm |
682.4 | Cellulitis and abscess of hand, except fingers and thumb |
682.5 | Cellulitis and abscess of buttock |
682.6 | Cellulitis and abscess of leg, except foot |
682.7 | Cellulitis and abscess of foot, except toes |
695.9 | Unspecified erythematous condition |
696.0 | Psoriatic arthropathy |
707.01 | Pressure ulcer, elbow |
707.02 | Pressure ulcer, upper back |
707.03 | Pressure ulcer, lower back |
707.04 | Pressure ulcer, hip |
707.05 | Pressure ulcer, buttock |
707.06 | Pressure ulcer, ankle |
707.07 | Pressure ulcer, heel |
707.10 | Ulcer of lower limb, unspecified |
707.11 | Ulcer of thigh |
707.12 | Ulcer of calf |
707.13 | Ulcer of ankle |
707.14 | Ulcer of heel and midfoot |
707.15 | Ulcer of other part of foot |
707.19 | Ulcer of other part of lower limb |
711.01 | Pyogenic arthritis, shoulder region |
711.02 | Pyogenic arthritis, upper arm |
711.03 | Pyogenic arthritis, forearm |
711.04 | Pyogenic arthritis, hand |
711.05 | Pyogenic arthritis, pelvic region and thigh |
711.06 | Pyogenic arthritis, lower leg |
711.07 | Pyogenic arthritis, ankle and foot |
711.25 | Arthropathy in Behcet's syndrome, pelvic region and thigh |
711.26 | Arthropathy in Behcet's syndrome, lower leg |
711.27 | Arthropathy in Behcet's syndrome, ankle and foot |
711.41 | Arthropathy associated with other bacterial diseases, shoulder region |
711.42 | Arthropathy associated with other bacterial diseases, upper arm |
711.43 | Arthropathy associated with other bacterial diseases, forearm |
711.44 | Arthropathy associated with other bacterial diseases, hand |
711.45 | Arthropathy associated with other bacterial diseases, pelvic region and thigh |
711.46 | Arthropathy associated with other bacterial diseases, lower leg |
711.47 | Arthropathy associated with other bacterial diseases, ankle and foot |
711.61 | Arthropathy associated with mycoses, shoulder region |
711.62 | Arthropathy associated with mycoses, upper arm |
711.63 | Arthropathy associated with mycoses, forearm |
711.64 | Arthropathy associated with mycoses, hand |
711.65 | Arthropathy associated with mycoses, pelvic region and thigh |
711.66 | Arthropathy associated with mycoses, lower leg |
711.67 | Arthropathy associated with mycoses, ankle and foot |
711.75 | Arthropathy associated with helminthiasis, pelvic region and thigh |
711.76 | Arthropathy associated with helminthiasis, lower leg |
711.77 | Arthropathy associated with helminthiasis, ankle and foot |
711.91 | Unspecified infective arthritis, shoulder region |
711.92 | Unspecified infective arthritis, upper arm |
711.93 | Unspecified infective arthritis, forearm |
711.94 | Unspecified infective arthritis, hand |
711.95 | Unspecified infective arthritis, pelvic region and thigh |
711.96 | Unspecified infective arthritis, lower leg |
711.97 | Unspecified infective arthritis, ankle and foot |
713.5 | Arthropathy associated with neurological disorders |
714.0 | Rheumatoid arthritis |
714.1 | Felty's syndrome |
714.2 | Other rheumatoid arthritis with visceral or systemic involvement |
714.30 | Polyarticular juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, chronic or unspecified |
714.31 | Polyarticular juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, acute |
714.32 | Pauciarticular juvenile rheumatoid arthritis |
714.33 | Monoarticular juvenile rheumatoid arthritis |
714.4 | Chronic postrheumatic arthropathy |
714.81 | Rheumatoid lung |
714.89 | Other specified inflammatory polyarthropathies |
714.9 | Unspecified inflammatory polyarthropathy |
715.00 | Osteoarthrosis, generalized, site unspecified |
715.09 | Osteoarthrosis, generalized, multiple sites |
715.10 | Osteoarthrosis, localized, primary, site unspecified |
715.11 | Osteoarthrosis, localized, primary, shoulder region |
715.12 | Osteoarthrosis, localized, primary, upper arm |
715.13 | Osteoarthrosis, localized, primary, forearm |
715.14 | Osteoarthrosis, localized, primary, hand |
715.15 | Osteoarthrosis, localized, primary, pelvic region and thigh |
715.16 | Osteoarthrosis, localized, primary, lower leg |
715.17 | Osteoarthrosis, localized, primary, ankle and foot |
715.20 | Osteoarthrosis, localized, secondary, site unspecified |
715.21 | Osteoarthrosis, localized, secondary, shoulder region |
715.22 | Osteoarthrosis, localized, secondary, upper arm |
715.23 | Osteoarthrosis, localized, secondary, forearm |
715.24 | Osteoarthrosis, localized, secondary, hand |
715.25 | Osteoarthrosis, localized, secondary, pelvic region and thigh |
715.26 | Osteoarthrosis, localized, secondary, lower leg |
715.27 | Osteoarthrosis, localized, secondary, ankle and foot |
715.30 | Osteoarthrosis, localized, not specified whether primary or secondary, site unspecified |
715.31 | Osteoarthrosis, localized, not specified whether primary or secondary, shoulder region |
715.32 | Osteoarthrosis, localized, not specified whether primary or secondary, upper arm |
715.33 | Osteoarthrosis, localized, not specified whether primary or secondary, forearm |
715.34 | Osteoarthrosis, localized, not specified whether primary or secondary, hand |
715.35 | Osteoarthrosis, localized, not specified whether primary or secondary, pelvic region and thigh |
715.36 | Osteoarthrosis, localized, not specified whether primary or secondary, lower leg |
715.37 | Osteoarthrosis, localized, not specified whether primary or secondary, ankle and foot |
715.80 | Osteoarthrosis involving, or with mention of more than one site, but not specified as generalized, site unspecified |
715.89 | Osteoarthrosis involving, or with mention of more than one site, but not specified as generalized, multiple sites |
715.90 | Osteoarthrosis, unspecified whether generalized or localized, site unspecified |
715.91 | Osteoarthrosis, unspecified whether generalized or localized, shoulder region |
715.92 | Osteoarthrosis, unspecified whether generalized or localized, upper arm |
715.93 | Osteoarthrosis, unspecified whether generalized or localized, forearm |
715.94 | Osteoarthrosis, unspecified whether generalized or localized, hand |
715.95 | Osteoarthrosis, unspecified whether generalized or localized, pelvic region and thigh |
715.96 | Osteoarthrosis, unspecified whether generalized or localized, lower leg |
715.97 | Osteoarthrosis, unspecified whether generalized or localized, ankle and foot |
715.98 | Osteoarthrosis, unspecified whether generalized or localized, other specified sites |
716.05 | Kaschin-Beck disease, pelvic region and thigh |
716.06 | Kaschin-Beck disease, lower leg |
716.07 | Kaschin-Beck disease, ankle and foot |
716.11 | Traumatic arthropathy, shoulder region |
716.12 | Traumatic arthropathy, upper arm |
716.13 | Traumatic arthropathy, forearm |
716.14 | Traumatic arthropathy, hand |
716.15 | Traumatic arthropathy, pelvic region and thigh |
716.16 | Traumatic arthropathy, lower leg |
716.17 | Traumatic arthropathy, ankle and foot |
716.25 | Allergic arthritis, pelvic region and thigh |
716.26 | Allergic arthritis, lower leg |
716.27 | Allergic arthritis, ankle and foot |
716.81 | Other specified arthropathy, shoulder region |
716.82 | Other specified arthropathy, upper arm |
716.83 | Other specified arthropathy, forearm |
716.84 | Other specified arthropathy, hand |
716.85 | Other specified arthropathy, pelvic region and thigh |
716.86 | Other specified arthropathy, lower leg |
716.87 | Other specified arthropathy, ankle and foot |
716.88 | Other specified arthropathy, other specified sites |
716.89 | Other specified arthropathy, multiple sites |
716.91 | Arthropathy, unspecified, shoulder region |
716.92 | Arthropathy, unspecified, upper arm |
716.93 | Arthropathy, unspecified, forearm |
716.94 | Arthropathy, unspecified, hand |
716.95 | Arthropathy, unspecified, pelvic region and thigh |
716.96 | Arthropathy, unspecified, lower leg |
716.97 | Arthropathy, unspecified, ankle and foot |
716.98 | Arthropathy, unspecified, other specified sites |
716.99 | Arthropathy, unspecified, multiple sites |
717.0 | Old bucket handle tear of medial meniscus |
717.1 | Derangement of anterior horn of medial meniscus |
717.2 | Derangement of posterior horn of medial meniscus |
717.3 | Other and unspecified derangement of medial meniscus |
717.40 | Derangement of lateral meniscus, unspecified |
717.41 | Bucket handle tear of lateral meniscus |
717.42 | Derangement of anterior horn of lateral meniscus |
717.43 | Derangement of posterior horn of lateral meniscus |
717.49 | Other derangement of lateral meniscus |
717.5 | Derangement of meniscus, not elsewhere classified |
717.6 | Loose body in knee |
717.7 | Chondromalacia of patella |
717.81 | Old disruption of lateral collateral ligament |
717.82 | Old disruption of medial collateral ligament |
717.83 | Old disruption of anterior cruciate ligament |
717.84 | Old disruption of posterior cruciate ligament |
717.85 | Old disruption of other ligaments of knee |
717.89 | Other internal derangement of knee |
717.9 | Unspecified internal derangement of knee |
718.00 | Articular cartilage disorder, site unspecified |
718.01 | Articular cartilage disorder, shoulder region |
718.02 | Articular cartilage disorder, upper arm |
718.03 | Articular cartilage disorder, forearm |
718.04 | Articular cartilage disorder, hand |
718.05 | Articular cartilage disorder, pelvic region and thigh |
718.07 | Articular cartilage disorder, ankle and foot |
718.08 | Articular cartilage disorder, other specified sites |
718.09 | Articular cartilage disorder, multiple sites |
718.10 | Loose body in joint, site unspecified |
718.11 | Loose body in joint, shoulder region |
718.12 | Loose body in joint, upper arm |
718.13 | Loose body in joint, forearm |
718.14 | Loose body in joint, hand |
718.15 | Loose body in joint, pelvic region and thigh |
718.17 | Loose body in joint, ankle and foot |
718.18 | Loose body in joint, other specified sites |
718.19 | Loose body in joint, multiple sites |
718.20 | Pathological dislocation of joint, site unspecified |
718.21 | Pathological dislocation of joint, shoulder region |
718.22 | Pathological dislocation of joint, upper arm |
718.23 | Pathological dislocation of joint, forearm |
718.24 | Pathological dislocation of joint, hand |
718.25 | Pathological dislocation of joint, pelvic region and thigh |
718.26 | Pathological dislocation of joint, lower leg |
718.27 | Pathological dislocation of joint, ankle and foot |
718.29 | Pathological dislocation of joint, multiple sites |
718.30 | Recurrent dislocation of joint, site unspecified |
718.31 | Recurrent dislocation of joint, shoulder region |
718.32 | Recurrent dislocation of joint, upper arm |
718.33 | Recurrent dislocation of joint, forearm |
718.34 | Recurrent dislocation of joint, hand |
718.35 | Recurrent dislocation of joint, pelvic region and thigh |
718.36 | Recurrent dislocation of joint, lower leg |
718.37 | Recurrent dislocation of joint, ankle and foot |
718.39 | Recurrent dislocation of joint, multiple sites |
718.40 | Contracture of joint, site unspecified |
718.41 | Contracture of joint, shoulder region |
718.42 | Contracture of joint, upper arm |
718.43 | Contracture of joint, forearm |
718.44 | Contracture of joint, hand |
718.45 | Contracture of joint, pelvic region and thigh |
718.46 | Contracture of joint, lower leg |
718.47 | Contracture of joint, ankle and foot |
718.49 | Contracture of joint, multiple sites |
718.50 | Ankylosis of joint, site unspecified |
718.51 | Ankylosis of joint, shoulder region |
718.52 | Ankylosis of joint, upper arm |
718.53 | Ankylosis of joint, forearm |
718.54 | Ankylosis of joint, hand |
718.55 | Ankylosis of joint, pelvic region and thigh |
718.56 | Ankylosis of joint, lower leg |
718.57 | Ankylosis of joint, ankle and foot |
718.59 | Ankylosis of joint, multiple sites |
718.60 | rotrusion of acetabulum; site unspecified [deleted] |
718.65 | Unspecified intrapelvic protrusion of acetabulum, pelvic region and thigh |
718.70 | Developmental dislocation of joint, site unspecified |
718.75 | Developmental dislocation of joint, pelvic region and thigh |
718.76 | Developmental dislocation of joint, lower leg |
718.77 | Developmental dislocation of joint, ankle and foot |
718.78 | Developmental dislocation of joint, other specified sites |
718.79 | Developmental dislocation of joint, multiple sites |
718.80 | Other joint derangement, not elsewhere classified, site unspecified |
718.85 | Other joint derangement, not elsewhere classified, pelvic region and thigh |
718.86 | Other joint derangement, not elsewhere classified, lower leg |
718.87 | Other joint derangement, not elsewhere classified, ankle and foot |
718.89 | Other joint derangement, not elsewhere classified, multiple sites |
718.90 | Unspecified derangement of joint, site unspecified |
718.95 | Unspecified derangement of joint, pelvic region and thigh |
718.97 | Unspecified derangement of joint, ankle and foot |
718.98 | Unspecified derangement of joint, other specified sites |
718.99 | Unspecified derangement of joint, multiple sites |
719.01 | Effusion of joint, shoulder region |
719.02 | Effusion of joint, upper arm |
719.03 | Effusion of joint, forearm |
719.04 | Effusion of joint, hand |
719.05 | Effusion of joint, pelvic region and thigh |
719.06 | Effusion of joint, lower leg |
719.07 | Effusion of joint, ankle and foot |
719.15 | Hemarthrosis, pelvic region and thigh |
719.16 | Hemarthrosis, lower leg |
719.17 | Hemarthrosis, ankle and foot |
719.25 | Villonodular synovitis, pelvic region and thigh |
719.26 | Villonodular synovitis, lower leg |
719.27 | Villonodular synovitis, ankle and foot |
719.40 | Pain in joint, site unspecified |
719.41 | Pain in joint, shoulder region |
719.42 | Pain in joint, upper arm |
719.43 | Pain in joint, forearm |
719.44 | Pain in joint, hand |
719.45 | Pain in joint, pelvic region and thigh |
719.46 | Pain in joint, lower leg |
719.47 | Pain in joint, ankle and foot |
719.51 | Stiffness of joint, not elsewhere classified, shoulder region |
719.52 | Stiffness of joint, not elsewhere classified, upper arm |
719.53 | Stiffness of joint, not elsewhere classified, forearm |
719.54 | Stiffness of joint, not elsewhere classified, hand |
719.55 | Stiffness of joint, not elsewhere classified, pelvic region and thigh |
719.56 | Stiffness of joint, not elsewhere classified, lower leg |
719.57 | Stiffness of joint, not elsewhere classified, ankle and foot |
719.61 | Other symptoms referable to joint, shoulder region |
719.62 | Other symptoms referable to joint, upper arm |
719.63 | Other symptoms referable to joint, forearm |
719.64 | Other symptoms referable to joint, hand |
719.65 | Other symptoms referable to joint, pelvic region and thigh |
719.66 | Other symptoms referable to joint, lower leg |
719.67 | Other symptoms referable to joint, ankle and foot |
719.7 | Difficulty in walking |
719.81 | Other specified disorders of joint, shoulder region |
719.82 | Other specified disorders of joint, upper arm |
719.83 | Other specified disorders of joint, forearm |
719.84 | Other specified disorders of joint, hand |
719.85 | Other specified disorders of joint, pelvic region and thigh |
719.86 | Other specified disorders of joint, lower leg |
719.87 | Other specified disorders of joint, ankle and foot |
726.0 | Adhesive capsulitis of shoulder |
726.10 | Disorders of bursae and tendons in shoulder region, unspecified |
726.11 | Calcifying tendinitis of shoulder |
726.12 | Bicipital tenosynovitis |
726.13 | Partial tear of rotator cuff |
726.19 | Other specified disorders of bursae and tendons in shoulder region |
726.2 | Other affections of shoulder region, not elsewhere classified |
726.31 | Medial epicondylitis |
726.32 | Lateral epicondylitis |
726.33 | Olecranon bursitis |
726.4 | Enthesopathy of wrist and carpus |
726.5 | Enthesopathy of hip region |
726.60 | Enthesopathy of knee, unspecified |
726.61 | Pes anserinus tendinitis or bursitis |
726.62 | Tibial collateral ligament bursitis |
726.63 | Fibular collateral ligament bursitis |
726.64 | Patellar tendinitis |
726.65 | Prepatellar bursitis |
726.69 | Other enthesopathy of knee |
726.70 | Enthesopathy of ankle and tarsus, unspecified |
726.71 | Achilles bursitis or tendinitis |
726.72 | Tibialis tendinitis |
726.73 | Calcaneal spur |
726.79 | Other enthesopathy of ankle and tarsus |
727.00 | Synovitis and tenosynovitis, unspecified |
727.02 | Giant cell tumor of tendon sheath |
727.03 | Trigger finger (acquired) |
727.05 | Other tenosynovitis of hand and wrist |
727.06 | Tenosynovitis of foot and ankle |
727.40 | Synovial cyst, unspecified |
727.41 | Ganglion of joint |
727.42 | Ganglion of tendon sheath |
727.50 | Rupture of synovium, unspecified |
727.51 | Synovial cyst of popliteal space |
727.60 | Nontraumatic rupture of unspecified tendon |
727.61 | Complete rupture of rotator cuff |
727.63 | Nontraumatic rupture of extensor tendons of hand and wrist |
727.64 | Nontraumatic rupture of flexor tendons of hand and wrist |
727.65 | Nontraumatic rupture of quadriceps tendon |
727.66 | Nontraumatic rupture of patellar tendon |
727.67 | Nontraumatic rupture of achilles tendon |
727.68 | Nontraumatic rupture of other tendons of foot and ankle |
727.83 | Plica syndrome |
728.3 | Other specific muscle disorders |
729.5 | Pain in limb |
729.6 | Residual foreign body in soft tissue |
729.81 | Swelling of limb |
730.01 | Acute osteomyelitis, shoulder region |
730.02 | Acute osteomyelitis, upper arm |
730.03 | Acute osteomyelitis, forearm |
730.04 | Acute osteomyelitis, hand |
730.05 | Acute osteomyelitis, pelvic region and thigh |
730.06 | Acute osteomyelitis, lower leg |
730.07 | Acute osteomyelitis, ankle and foot |
730.08 | Acute osteomyelitis, other specified sites |
730.09 | Acute osteomyelitis, multiple sites |
730.11 | Chronic osteomyelitis, shoulder region |
730.12 | Chronic osteomyelitis, upper arm |
730.13 | Chronic osteomyelitis, forearm |
730.14 | Chronic osteomyelitis, hand |
730.15 | Chronic osteomyelitis, pelvic region and thigh |
730.16 | Chronic osteomyelitis, lower leg |
730.17 | Chronic osteomyelitis, ankle and foot |
730.18 | Chronic osteomyelitis, other specified sites |
730.19 | Chronic osteomyelitis, multiple sites |
730.21 | Unspecified osteomyelitis, shoulder region |
730.22 | Unspecified osteomyelitis, upper arm |
730.23 | Unspecified osteomyelitis, forearm |
730.24 | Unspecified osteomyelitis, hand |
730.25 | Unspecified osteomyelitis, pelvic region and thigh |
730.26 | Unspecified osteomyelitis, lower leg |
730.27 | Unspecified osteomyelitis, ankle and foot |
730.28 | Unspecified osteomyelitis, other specified sites |
730.29 | Unspecified osteomyelitis, multiple sites |
730.91 | Unspecified infection of bone, shoulder region |
730.92 | Unspecified infection of bone, upper arm |
730.93 | Unspecified infection of bone, forearm |
730.94 | Unspecified infection of bone, hand |
730.95 | Unspecified infection of bone, pelvic region and thigh |
730.96 | Unspecified infection of bone, lower leg |
730.97 | Unspecified infection of bone, ankle and foot |
731.0 | Osteitis deformans without mention of bone tumor |
731.3 | Major osseous defects |
732.1 | Juvenile osteochondrosis of hip and pelvis |
732.3 | Juvenile osteochondrosis of upper extremity |
732.4 | Juvenile osteochondrosis of lower extremity, excluding foot |
732.5 | Juvenile osteochondrosis of foot |
732.9 | Unspecified osteochondropathy |
733.00 | Osteoporosis, unspecified |
733.01 | Senile osteoporosis |
733.02 | Idiopathic osteoporosis |
733.03 | Disuse osteoporosis |
733.09 | Other osteoporosis |
733.14 | Pathologic fracture of neck of femur |
733.15 | Pathologic fracture of other specified part of femur |
733.16 | Pathologic fracture of tibia or fibula |
733.20 | Cyst of bone (localized), unspecified |
733.21 | Solitary bone cyst |
733.22 | Aneurysmal bone cyst |
733.40 | Aseptic necrosis of bone, site unspecified |
733.41 | Aseptic necrosis of head of humerus |
733.42 | Aseptic necrosis of head and neck of femur |
733.43 | Aseptic necrosis of medial femoral condyle |
733.44 | Aseptic necrosis of talus |
733.49 | Aseptic necrosis of bone, other |
733.81 | Malunion of fracture |
733.82 | Nonunion of fracture |
733.90 | Disorder of bone and cartilage, unspecified |
733.93 | Stress fracture of tibia or fibula |
733.94 | Stress fracture of the metatarsals |
733.95 | Stress fracture of other bone |
733.96 | Stress fracture of femoral neck |
733.97 | Stress fracture of shaft of femur |
747.60 | Anomaly of the peripheral vascular system, unspecified site |
747.64 | Lower limb vessel anomaly |
748.8 | Other specified anomalies of respiratory system |
781.2 | Abnormality of gait |
782.2 | Localized superficial swelling, mass, or lump |
782.3 | Edema |
793.7 | Nonspecific (abnormal) findings on radiological and other examination of musculoskeletal system |
822.0 | Closed fracture of patella |
822.1 | Open fracture of patella |
824.4 | Bimalleolar fracture, closed |
824.5 | Bimalleolar fracture, open |
824.6 | Trimalleolar fracture, closed |
824.7 | Trimalleolar fracture, open |
831.00 | Closed dislocation of shoulder, unspecified |
831.01 | Closed anterior dislocation of humerus |
831.02 | Closed posterior dislocation of humerus |
831.03 | Closed inferior dislocation of humerus |
831.04 | Closed dislocation of acromioclavicular (joint) |
831.09 | Closed dislocation of shoulder, other |
831.10 | Open dislocation of shoulder, unspecified |
831.11 | Open anterior dislocation of humerus |
831.12 | Open posterior dislocation of humerus |
831.13 | Open inferior dislocation of humerus |
831.14 | Open dislocation of acromioclavicular (joint) |
831.19 | Open dislocation of shoulder, other |
832.00 | Closed dislocation of elbow, unspecified |
832.01 | Closed anterior dislocation of elbow |
832.02 | Closed posterior dislocation of elbow |
832.03 | Closed medial dislocation of elbow |
832.04 | Closed lateral dislocation of elbow |
832.10 | Open dislocation of elbow, unspecified |
832.11 | Open anterior dislocation of elbow |
832.12 | Open posterior dislocation of elbow |
832.13 | Open medial dislocation of elbow |
832.14 | Open lateral dislocation of elbow |
833.00 | Closed dislocation of wrist, unspecified part |
833.01 | Closed dislocation of radioulnar (joint), distal |
833.02 | Closed dislocation of radiocarpal (joint) |
833.03 | Closed dislocation of midcarpal (joint) |
833.04 | Closed dislocation of carpometacarpal (joint) |
833.05 | Closed dislocation of metacarpal (bone), proximal end |
833.09 | Closed dislocation of wrist, other |
833.10 | Open dislocation of wrist, unspecified part |
833.11 | Open dislocation of radioulnar (joint), distal |
833.12 | Open dislocation of radiocarpal (joint) |
833.13 | Open dislocation of midcarpal (joint) |
833.14 | Open dislocation of carpometacarpal (joint) |
833.15 | Open dislocation of metacarpal (bone), proximal end |
833.19 | Open dislocation of wrist, other |
834.00 | Closed dislocation of finger, unspecified part |
834.01 | Closed dislocation of metacarpophalangeal (joint) |
834.02 | Closed dislocation of interphalangeal (joint), hand |
834.10 | Open dislocation of finger, unspecified part |
834.11 | Open dislocation of metacarpophalangeal (joint) |
834.12 | Open dislocation interphalangeal (joint), hand |
835.00 | Closed dislocation of hip, unspecified site |
835.01 | Closed posterior dislocation of hip |
835.02 | Closed obturator dislocation of hip |
835.03 | Other closed anterior dislocation of hip |
835.10 | Open dislocation of hip, unspecified site |
835.11 | Open posterior dislocation of hip |
835.12 | Open obturator dislocation of hip |
835.13 | Other open anterior dislocation of hip |
836.0 | Tear of medial cartilage or meniscus of knee, current |
836.1 | Tear of lateral cartilage or meniscus of knee, current |
836.2 | Other tear of cartilage or meniscus of knee, current |
836.3 | Dislocation of patella, closed |
836.4 | Dislocation of patella, open |
836.50 | Dislocation of knee, unspecified, closed |
836.51 | Anterior dislocation of tibia, proximal end, closed |
836.52 | Posterior dislocation of tibia, proximal end, closed |
836.53 | Medial dislocation of tibia, proximal end, closed |
836.54 | Lateral dislocation of tibia, proximal end, closed |
836.59 | Other dislocation of knee, closed |
836.60 | Dislocation of knee, unspecified, open |
836.61 | Anterior dislocation of tibia, proximal end, open |
836.62 | Posterior dislocation of tibia, proximal end, open |
836.63 | Medial dislocation of tibia, proximal end, open |
836.64 | Lateral dislocation of tibia, proximal end, open |
836.69 | Other dislocation of knee, open |
837.0 | Closed dislocation of ankle |
837.1 | Open dislocation of ankle |
838.00 | Closed dislocation of foot, unspecified |
838.01 | Closed dislocation of tarsal (bone), joint unspecified |
838.02 | Closed dislocation of midtarsal (joint) |
838.03 | Closed dislocation of tarsometatarsal (joint) |
838.04 | Closed dislocation of metatarsal (bone), joint unspecified |
838.05 | Closed dislocation of metatarsophalangeal (joint) |
838.06 | Closed dislocation of interphalangeal (joint), foot |
838.09 | Closed dislocation of foot, other |
838.10 | Open dislocation of foot, unspecified |
838.11 | Open dislocation of tarsal (bone), joint unspecified |
838.12 | Open dislocation of midtarsal (joint) |
838.13 | Open dislocation of tarsometatarsal (joint) |
838.14 | Open dislocation of metatarsal (bone), joint unspecified |
838.15 | Open dislocation of metatarsophalangeal (joint) |
838.16 | Open dislocation of interphalangeal (joint), foot |
840.0 | Acromioclavicular (joint) (ligament) sprain |
840.3 | Infraspinatus (muscle) (tendon) sprain |
840.4 | Rotator cuff (capsule) sprain |
840.5 | Subscapularis (muscle) sprain |
840.6 | Supraspinatus (muscle) (tendon) sprain |
840.8 | Sprains and strains of other specified sites of shoulder and upper arm |
840.9 | Sprains and strains of unspecified site of shoulder and upper arm |
841.0 | Radial collateral ligament sprain |
841.1 | Ulnar collateral ligament sprain |
841.2 | Radiohumeral (joint) sprain |
841.3 | Ulnohumeral (joint) sprain |
841.8 | Sprains and strains of other specified sites of elbow and forearm |
841.9 | Sprains and strains of unspecified site of elbow and forearm |
842.00 | Sprain of wrist, unspecified site |
842.01 | Sprain of carpal (joint) of wrist |
842.02 | Sprain of radiocarpal (joint) (ligament) of wrist |
842.09 | Other sprains and strains of wrist |
842.11 | Sprain of carpometacarpal (joint) of hand |
842.19 | Other sprains and strains of hand |
843.0 | Iliofemoral (ligament) sprain |
843.1 | Ischiocapsular (ligament) sprain |
843.8 | Sprains and strains of other specified sites of hip and thigh |
843.9 | Sprains and strains of unspecified site of hip and thigh |
844.0 | Sprain of lateral collateral ligament of knee |
844.1 | Sprain of medial collateral ligament of knee |
844.2 | Sprain of cruciate ligament of knee |
844.3 | Sprain of tibiofibular (joint) (ligament) superior, of knee |
844.8 | Sprains and strains of other specified sites of knee and leg |
844.9 | Sprains and strains of unspecified site of knee and leg |
845.00 | Sprain of ankle, unspecified site |
845.01 | Sprain of deltoid (ligament), ankle |
845.02 | Sprain of calcaneofibular (ligament) of ankle |
845.03 | Sprain of tibiofibular (ligament), distal of ankle |
845.09 | Other sprains and strains of ankle |
845.10 | Sprain of foot, unspecified site |
845.11 | Sprain of tarsometatarsal (joint) (ligament) of foot |
845.12 | Sprain of metatarsophalangeal (joint) of foot |
845.13 | Sprain of interphalangeal (joint), toe |
845.19 | Other sprain of foot |
848.1 | Sprain of jaw |
848.41 | Sprain of sternoclavicular (joint) (ligament) |
848.42 | Sprain of chondrosternal (joint) |
848.5 | Sprain of pelvic |
924.00 | Contusion of thigh |
924.01 | Contusion of hip |
924.10 | Contusion of lower leg |
924.11 | Contusion of knee |
924.20 | Contusion of foot |
924.21 | Contusion of ankle |
924.3 | Contusion of toe |
924.4 | Contusion of multiple sites of lower limb |
924.5 | Contusion of unspecified part of lower limb |
924.8 | Contusion of multiple sites, not elsewhere classified |
924.9 | Contusion of unspecified site |
928.00 | Crushing injury of thigh |
928.01 | Crushing injury of hip |
928.10 | Crushing injury of lower leg |
928.11 | Crushing injury of knee |
928.20 | Crushing injury of foot |
928.21 | Crushing injury of ankle |
928.3 | Crushing injury of toe(s) |
928.8 | Crushing injury of multiple sites of lower limb |
928.9 | Crushing injury of unspecified site of lower limb |
959.6 | Hip and thigh injury |
959.7 | Knee, leg, ankle, and foot injury |
996.1 | Mechanical complication of other vascular device, implant, and graft |
996.40 | Unspecified mechanical complication of internal orthopedic device, implant, and graft |
996.41 | Mechanical loosening of prosthetic joint |
996.42 | Dislocation of prosthetic joint |
996.43 | Broken prosthetic joint implant |
996.44 | Peri-prosthetic fracture around prosthetic joint |
996.45 | Peri-prosthetic osteolysis |
996.46 | Articular bearing surface wear of prosthetic joint |
996.47 | Other mechanical complication of prosthetic joint implant |
996.49 | Other mechanical complication of other internal orthopedic device, implant, and graft |
996.62 | Infection and inflammatory reaction due to other vascular device, implant, and graft |
996.66 | Infection and inflammatory reaction due to internal joint prosthesis |
996.67 | Infection and inflammatory reaction due to other internal orthopedic device, implant, and graft |
996.95 | Complication of reattached foot and toe(s) |
996.96 | Complication of reattached lower extremity, other and unspecified |
997.79 | Vascular complications of other vessels |
V10.79 | Personal history of other lymphatic and hematopoietic neoplasms |
V10.81 | Personal history of malignant neoplasm of bone |
V67.00 | Follow-up examination, following surgery, unspecified |
V67.09 | Follow-up examination, following other surgery |
V67.1 | Follow-up examination, following radiotherapy |
V67.2 | Follow-up examination, following chemotherapy |
V71.1 | Observation for suspected malignant neoplasm |
No matching codes found |