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Official Description

Transcatheter biopsy, radiological supervision and interpretation

© Copyright 2025 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

Common Language Description

The CPT® Code 75970 refers to a transcatheter biopsy procedure that involves radiological supervision and interpretation. This procedure is utilized to collect tissue samples for cytologic or pathologic testing, which is essential for diagnosing various medical conditions. The process begins with accessing a peripheral blood vessel, which may be located in the arm, groin, or neck. A needle is used to puncture the vessel, and a vascular sheath is subsequently placed to facilitate the procedure. A guidewire is then inserted through the sheath and navigated to the specific biopsy site with the aid of fluoroscopic guidance, which provides real-time imaging to ensure accurate placement. Once the catheter is positioned correctly at the targeted biopsy area, a radiopaque contrast medium is injected, and x-rays are taken to confirm the catheter's placement. Following this confirmation, the guidewire is reinserted, and a biopsy needle is threaded over it. The biopsy needle is then activated multiple times to obtain adequate core tissue samples from the target area. After the necessary samples are collected, both the biopsy needle and guidewire are withdrawn, followed by the removal of the catheter and the catheter sheath. The code 75970 encompasses not only the technical aspects of the transcatheter biopsy but also includes the radiological supervision of the procedure, the review and interpretation of the images obtained, and the generation of a written report detailing the findings from the biopsy.

© Copyright 2025 Coding Ahead. All rights reserved.

1. Indications

The transcatheter biopsy procedure, represented by CPT® Code 75970, is indicated for various clinical scenarios where tissue sampling is necessary for diagnostic purposes. The following conditions may warrant the performance of this procedure:

  • Cytologic Testing - This procedure is performed to obtain tissue samples for cytologic analysis, which helps in identifying cellular abnormalities that may indicate malignancy or other pathological conditions.
  • Pathologic Testing - The biopsy is also indicated for pathologic evaluation, allowing for a comprehensive examination of the tissue to diagnose diseases, including cancer and other disorders.
  • Unexplained Masses or Lesions - When imaging studies reveal unexplained masses or lesions, a transcatheter biopsy may be necessary to obtain tissue for further investigation.
  • Monitoring Disease Progression - In certain cases, this procedure may be indicated to monitor the progression of known diseases, particularly in oncology, where tissue samples can provide insights into tumor behavior.

2. Procedure

The transcatheter biopsy procedure involves several critical steps to ensure accurate tissue sampling. The following outlines the procedural steps as described:

  • Step 1: Accessing the Blood Vessel - The procedure begins with the identification and access of a peripheral blood vessel, which can be located in the arm, groin, or neck. A needle is carefully inserted to puncture the vessel, and a vascular sheath is placed to facilitate the subsequent steps of the biopsy.
  • Step 2: Inserting the Guidewire - Once the vascular sheath is in place, a guidewire is inserted through the sheath. This guidewire is then navigated to the specific biopsy site using fluoroscopic guidance, which provides real-time imaging to ensure the correct trajectory and positioning.
  • Step 3: Catheter Placement - A catheter is inserted over the guidewire and advanced to the targeted biopsy area. After confirming the catheter's placement through imaging, the guidewire is removed, allowing for the next step in the procedure.
  • Step 4: Injecting Contrast Medium - A radiopaque contrast medium is injected through the catheter, and x-rays are obtained to verify that the catheter is correctly positioned at the biopsy site. This step is crucial for ensuring that the biopsy needle will be accurately directed to the target area.
  • Step 5: Biopsy Needle Insertion - After confirming the catheter's placement, the guidewire is reinserted, and a biopsy needle is threaded over the guidewire. The biopsy needle is then activated multiple times to collect adequate core tissue samples from the target area.
  • Step 6: Sample Collection and Withdrawal - Once sufficient tissue samples are obtained, the biopsy needle and guidewire are withdrawn. Finally, the catheter and catheter sheath are removed, completing the procedure.

3. Post-Procedure

After the transcatheter biopsy procedure, patients may require monitoring for any potential complications, such as bleeding or infection at the puncture site. It is essential to provide appropriate post-procedure care, which may include instructions for wound care and signs of complications to watch for. Patients are typically advised to rest and avoid strenuous activities for a specified period following the procedure. The results of the biopsy will be reviewed and interpreted, and a written report detailing the findings will be generated to guide further clinical management.

Long Descr Transcatheter biopsy, radiological supervision and interpretation
Status Code Carriers Price the Code
Global Days XXX - Global Concept Does Not Apply
PC/TC Indicator (26, TC) 1 - Diagnostic Tests for Radiology Services
Multiple Procedures (51) 0 - No payment adjustment rules for multiple procedures apply.
Bilateral Surgery (50) 0 - 150% payment adjustment for bilateral procedures does NOT apply.
Physician Supervisions 09 - Concept does not apply.
Assistant Surgeon (80, 82) 0 - Payment restriction for assistants at surgery applies to this procedure...
Co-Surgeons (62) 0 - Co-surgeons not permitted for this procedure.
Team Surgery (66) 0 - Team surgeons not permitted for this procedure.
Diagnostic Imaging Family 99 - Concept Does Not Apply
APC Status Indicator Items and Services Packaged into APC Rates
ASC Payment Indicator Packaged service/item; no separate payment made.
Type of Service (TOS) 4 - Diagnostic Radiology
Berenson-Eggers TOS (BETOS) I1F - Standard imaging - other
CCS Clinical Classification 226 - Other diagnostic radiology and related techniques

This is a primary code that can be used with these additional add-on codes.

37252 Addon Code MPFS Status: Active Code APC N ASC N1 Intravascular ultrasound (noncoronary vessel) during diagnostic evaluation and/or therapeutic intervention, including radiological supervision and interpretation; initial noncoronary vessel (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure)
37253 Addon Code MPFS Status: Active Code APC N ASC N1 Intravascular ultrasound (noncoronary vessel) during diagnostic evaluation and/or therapeutic intervention, including radiological supervision and interpretation; each additional noncoronary vessel (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure)
26 Professional component: certain procedures are a combination of a physician or other qualified health care professional component and a technical component. when the physician or other qualified health care professional component is reported separately, the service may be identified by adding modifier 26 to the usual procedure number.
GC This service has been performed in part by a resident under the direction of a teaching physician
X5 Diagnostic services requested by another clinician: for reporting services by a clinician who furnishes care to the patient only as requested by another clinician or subsequent and related services requested by another clinician; this modifier is reported for patient relationships that may not be adequately captured by the above alternative categories; reporting clinician service examples include but are not limited to, the radiologist's interpretation of an imaging study requested by another clinician
22 Increased procedural services: when the work required to provide a service is substantially greater than typically required, it may be identified by adding modifier 22 to the usual procedure code. documentation must support the substantial additional work and the reason for the additional work (ie, increased intensity, time, technical difficulty of procedure, severity of patient's condition, physical and mental effort required). note: this modifier should not be appended to an e/m service.
59 Distinct procedural service: under certain circumstances, it may be necessary to indicate that a procedure or service was distinct or independent from other non-e/m services performed on the same day. modifier 59 is used to identify procedures/services, other than e/m services, that are not normally reported together, but are appropriate under the circumstances. documentation must support a different session, different procedure or surgery, different site or organ system, separate incision/excision, separate lesion, or separate injury (or area of injury in extensive injuries) not ordinarily encountered or performed on the same day by the same individual. however, when another already established modifier is appropriate it should be used rather than modifier 59. only if no more descriptive modifier is available, and the use of modifier 59 best explains the circumstances, should modifier 59 be used. note: modifier 59 should not be appended to an e/m service. to report a separate and distinct e/m service with a non-e/m service performed on the same date, see modifier 25.
77 Repeat procedure by another physician or other qualified health care professional: it may be necessary to indicate that a basic procedure or service was repeated by another physician or other qualified health care professional subsequent to the original procedure or service. this circumstance may be reported by adding modifier 77 to the repeated procedure or service. note: this modifier should not be appended to an e/m service.
AQ Physician providing a service in an unlisted health professional shortage area (hpsa)
CR Catastrophe/disaster related
Q1 Routine clinical service provided in a clinical research study that is in an approved clinical research study
Q6 Service furnished under a fee-for-time compensation arrangement by a substitute physician or by a substitute physical therapist furnishing outpatient physical therapy services in a health professional shortage area, a medically underserved area, or a rural area
RT Right side (used to identify procedures performed on the right side of the body)
TC Technical component; under certain circumstances, a charge may be made for the technical component alone; under those circumstances the technical component charge is identified by adding modifier 'tc' to the usual procedure number; technical component charges are institutional charges and not billed separately by physicians; however, portable x-ray suppliers only bill for technical component and should utilize modifier tc; the charge data from portable x-ray suppliers will then be used to build customary and prevailing profiles
X4 Episodic/focused services: for reporting services by clinicians who provide focused care on particular types of treatment limited to a defined period and circumstance; the patient has a problem, acute or chronic, that will be treated with surgery, radiation, or some other type of generally time-limited intervention; reporting clinician service examples include but are not limited to, the orthopedic surgeon performing a knee replacement and seeing the patient through the postoperative period
XE Separate encounter, a service that is distinct because it occurred during a separate encounter
XS Separate structure, a service that is distinct because it was performed on a separate organ/structure
XU Unusual non-overlapping service, the use of a service that is distinct because it does not overlap usual components of the main service
Pre-1990 Added Code added.